Love & Survival Part One Chapter 70

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Stefanie's POV

It feels so hard to breathe realizing I fell for someone that I thought could love me back. He was just being a gentleman, he doesn't want a fat pig for a girlfriend. Who could blame him. No one would want to be seen with a fat pig as their girlfriend. I knew it was too good to be true. I really don't want to live anymore. I have dieted and exercised til I am blue in the face. I don't know why I can't lose anymore weight. That is the main reason I hate myself. I just can't go on. What can I use to end my life, I look around the room. The only thing I can find is the telephone cord. I reach for it and unhook it from the phone. I wrap it around my neck until it's tight enough to cut my air off. I tie it into a knot that can only be cut to loosen and remove. I have lost my will to live, so I feel myself drifting further and further into darkness. I can barely hear the heart monitor start to go off. I faintly hear the voices yelling code blue. I let myself get lost in the darkness.

Zac's POV

This has been one trying day. I worked twelve hours rehearsing for a musical film. While I was there my friend Jesse got into a car accident. So I have been here at the hospital for six hours. I have been awake over twenty hours. I am so grateful my friend is going to be alright, so he can start his singing tour. He has a broke left arm, a huge gash on the side of his head and his right leg is broke, but he is going to live. Oh Jesse McCartney, you sure do know how to scare your friends to death. I sit there about to drift off to sleep when I hear a loud beeping noise and several voices saying code blue. I jump up and walk out of the room to see if everything is alright. I walk down the hall. I get to room 3232 the door is halfway open, I see the monitors going off but no nurses or doctors are in the room.

I hurry into the room and flip the light on. I cannot believe what I see. A beautiful young lady has decided to try to take her life by wrapping a phone cord around her neck. I try everything to untie the knot, but she has it tied so tight that I can't loosen it at all. I pull out my pocket knife and cut the cord off. I drop it onto the bed and feel her pulse. It is barely there. I put my knife back and run out to try to find a nurse, doctor or someone that can save this young lady's life. I find no one at the nurse's station. I hurry back to the room. I notice her name is Stefanie Brown. I soothingly yell, "Stefanie, please stay with me, everything is going to be alright. Come back Stefanie, you have reasons to live. I rub her arm and feel for her pulse again. It feels slightly stronger than it did. I realize she was without oxygen for awhile so I grab the mask off the wall and put it on her and turn the switch on, hoping this will put air into her lungs, bringing her pulse back to normal.

I hear voices in the hall and run out to see if there is a nurse or whoever it might be. I step into the hall and I see four guys from the band One Direction surrounded by others. They see me and look at the room I just come out of and see the stress on my face. A dark haired girl asks me, "Is Stefanie okay? What is going on? Where are the doctors and nurses. They all run into the room, I follow them. I look at each of them and begin telling them, "I heard the monitors going off and voices saying code blue so I ran out of the room I was in visiting a friend. I got to this room the door was halfway open and her monitors were going off. She tried to commit suicide, by tying the phone cord around her neck. I tried to untie it, it was too tight so I grabbed my pocket knife and cut it off. Her pulse was very faint, I looked for the nurses and doctors. I couldn't find anyone. I came back and put the oxygen mask on her. Her pulse started rising. I want to know if she is going to be alright." I reach and feel for her pulse again, it has risen a great deal. This gives me hope. I tell them her pulse is rising. Before I know what is happening the brown haired girl has run to me giving me a hug, thanking me.

Selah's POV

Liam and Danielle hadn't come back yet. They weren't in the cafeteria. We all guessed they must have went back to the hotel. I shook my head, how could Liam leave without checking on Stefanie. We all were a little perturbed at this. We decided we had waited long enough to visit Stefanie again and I had an anxious feeling. Everytime I got one something always happened. As we got to her door, we were surprised to see Zac Efron come out with a stressed look on his face. I knew something was wrong right away. I asked him some questions and ran into the room followed by everyone else. Zac followed us into the room and explained everything. I couldn't believe it. Thank God he came in here, he actually saved her life. I started crying and before I knew it I threw myself at him giving him a hug telling him thank you. I looked around and everyone was crying again for God only knows how many times tonight. I saw Louis looking at Stefanie shaking his head while the tears fell. The cord had made cuts, red marks and bruises around her neck.

Liam's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard Zac Efron say as I got to the door of Stefanie's room. I was already feeling guilty about not seeing her and checking on her yet. I had to get away from everyone including Danielle for awhile. She had went back to her hotel, and I had went back to my hotel. I lay on my bed thinking the whole time I was there, wondering how I would break it to Stefanie about Danielle and I. Now because of me she had tried to commit suicide. I fell to the floor in the hall outside her door. I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. I must have made a noise cause someone came out of the room, I looked up. Harry was standing there glaring at me shaking his head while tears fell down his face. I just said, "Yes Harry, everyone has the right to be mad at me. I feel like the lowest of the lowest. How could I let something like this happen?"

Harry's POV

We all just couldn't believe it. Stefanie had tried to kill herself all because of a selfish Liam. I let the tears fall trying to figure out how a sweet Liam could turn into someone we no longer knew. While we were all just standing there being grateful but still concerned. I heard a noise outside the door. I was surprised to see Liam sitting in the floor crying so hard, probably because he realized he was the reason Stefanie tried to kill herself. "How could you do this Liam?" He stared at me, his eyes wide questioning me. "How could you be whoring around with an exgirlfriend when someone you supposedly care about almost died, had to have surgery and needed you. I am sure she would have understood you as long as you would have shown her friendship." Liam jumped up.

Liam's POV

"Is that what you all think I was doing, whoring around with Danielle. Well for your information, I needed time alone away from everyone including Danielle. She went to her hotel and I went to my own hotel. I cannot believe you all would even think that of me. Have I ever been so crazy as to do something so stupid as that. NO! I would NEVER do anything like that! Hopefully when we all get through this we will be able to forgive each other, right now I can't seem to find a way to forgive myself let alone any of you." I shook my head and walked out to the lobby to cool off. I still couldn't believe what I had caused Stefanie to do. How can she ever forgive me or me forgive myself. Things are changing way to fast. I look up to see Selah standing in front of me. Oh man I don't need her preaching to me about not being good enough for her God. "What do you want, to jump down my throat too?" I said with a smart attitude. She shook her head no, reaching down and pulling me into a hug. I was really surprised by this. Didn't she believe I was out whoring around too?

Selah's POV

I overheard what Harry and Liam had said to each other. Harry came back into the room. I asked everyone to give me some time. I followed Liam out to the lobby, I could tell he was hurting. I even believed him when he told Harry that he had went to his hotel and Danielle had went to her hotel. I bent down and gave him a hug, even though he was being a smartbutt. I let go and sat down beside him. "Liam, I believe everything you told Harry. I know you speak the truth. Since I've known you, you have become a great friend to me. I was there for you when you came back after you and Danielle had broken up. I never blamed you for it. I helped you to heal. That is what I want to do now. I want to help you get through this. Yes you may have hurt Stefanie, but it was her own choice to do what she did. She has some insecurities. Probably because she has never had genuine love from anyone including her family. I really think you should talk to her as soon as she is alright. We all love you Liam. We will not stand in the way of your love life. I will talk to everyone. I am sure they will understand and everything will be good again, just you wait and see." I smiled gave him another hug and went back to Stefanie's room.

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