Back In London Chapter 54

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Three weeks later....

Liam's POV

Harry and I are the only ones in the studio at the moment. I look at Harry and say "We have been back home about three weeks now, it feels like such a relief not to have to worry about someone trying to kill someone we love. This passed month has really made me think. Dani and I have been together almost two years. Two years can you believe it? I think it's time I ask her to marry me. I have a plan, next week I am taking her to her favorite restaurant, then go for a walk. I am going to ask for her hand in marriage on the day of our second anniversary."

Harry's POV

I was stunned, three of my best mates are getting married, next thing I know Zayn will be getting married. I looked up, Liam was staring at me waiting for a reply. "Well... umm... if you guys...are happy, then do it." Liam looked relieved. I got up and gave him a hug. "Congrats mate." Liam said thanks and pulled out his phone, making reservations. I had a lot to think about and I have to admit, I am scared. How do you know when you really know for sure? Am I ready for that next step? Wow, need to get alone and think about some things.

Zayn's POV

I walk into the studio and hear Liam on the phone making reservations. I see Harry deep in thought, he is in such a deep thought that he is starting to turn a little red. I walk over to him. "Harry, are you alright?" He doesn't answer me, so I slap his shoulder. He jumps out of his skin. He looks at me like he wants to kill me. I start laughing, "I have been saying your name, and you were in such deep thought you didn't realize I was talking to you. What were you thinking about that made you turn red." I ask him and laugh again.

Harry's POV

I didn't realize Zayn had come in and was talking to me. "Man that hurt when you slapped my shoulder!" I said sternly while rubbing my shoulder. "By the way I am fine, I was just thinking, nothing to worry about." I get up and grab my stuff and say goodbye to Zayn and Liam. Liam was just getting off the phone. He and Zayn started talking. I get to the door and realize I forgot my phone. I walk back to the table, as I walk by Zayn and Liam, I hear Liam congratulate Zayn. Then I hear Zayn say he is asking Olivia tonight. I look up, "What are you asking Olivia tonight?" I ask dreading the answer.

"I am going to ask Olivia to marry me. I know we havn't known each other long but I have found the one person that knows what she wants. She completes me, and she really gets me. Not to mention she is really fit too." Zayn laughs.

He spoke the words I was dreading. "So now everyone is getting married, I don't get you guys, why are you rushing things so fast?" I start walking to the door. I turn back around, "I am sorry mates, marriage scares me and I don't know why." I look down at the floor, waiting for them to laugh at me, but they don't. Instead they both hug me.

"What part about marriage scares you the most, that it is a lifelong decision, or just getting married and only being with one woman instead of one every other night? I know it's not the last part, because you and Emily have been stuck together like glue since the day you met her." Liam asks.

"The part about it being lifelong and not being good enough for Emily in the future. How do I know that I am the best for her. Maybe she deserves someone better than me? How does anyone know these answers?" I feel relieved after telling them my fears.

"Nobody really knows those answers for sure. Just think ahead to the future and see what you see. Do you see Emily when you look ahead or do you see yourself single?" Zayn asks.

"I never thought of it like that. Actually now that I think about it, I see Emily in my future. The question is does she see me in her future. Thanks mates. Now I know what I must do."

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