London Accident Chapter 33

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We have been in London for over a week now. Katelynne and Niall has flown to Ireland to visit with his family. Emily and I stay at my Aunt Rosa's, if you could really say that, cause my aunt lives right next to the boys so we were there more than any place else. Danielle has been coming over, helping Emily and me go over the wedding details. Louis and I still haven't set a date. What with him still on tour and working on an album.

Today Emily, Danielle and I plan on going shopping. I haven't been since I've been here, so I am really excited. I hear my phone go off, I look and it's a text from Danielle, asking if we are ready. I text back 'yes'. Aunt Rosa walks Emily and I to the door. "Now you girls be careful and have lots of fun with Danielle. She is a fine young lady." I give her a hug, "Auntie Rosa, I know we will have fun, and we can't wait, can we Emily," "No we can't wait, we are really excited, this being both our first time in London, Auntie Rosa." Emily gushes as she hugs my aunt and we are out the door.

We head to Danielle's car. She is leaning against it basking in the morning sunshine. Days of sunshine are few and far between in London. She looks up, "So you girls want to head to the mall?" We both say, "we are ready like now." We all get in the car, Danielle blasts One Direction on her radio. 'More Than This' is playing, "Oh I really like this song," I yell. We all three start singing at the top of our lungs. We finally pull into the mall parking lot. We get out and start walking in. "I don't know how to thank you both, I love you guys so much. Let's have some fun." I start laughing not watching where I am going.

Before I know what has happened, I feel something heavy hit me so hard I fly about two feet and land in a heap. Everything goes black. Then I hear lots of people talking, "Can you tell me what happened," A man's voice. "Her name is Selah Smith. We were here to shop for her wedding, she was so excited she walked in front of this Range Rover without realizing it." I could hear Danielle trying to be calm, but she was crying hysterically. I could also hear Emily crying. She was on the phone, "Louis, there has been an accident, Selah was hit by a Range Rover as we were walking into the mall,"

There was a pause, "I don't know how she is yet, the Ambulance is here, asking questions and looking her over. Louis, she is unconscious right now so we don't know anything yet." Another pause. "Get her Aunt Rosa and we will meet you at the hospital. Sorry Louis." The call ended. The man was talking again, "I know she has some concussions, she has a deep cut on her head. I can tell by looking at her left arm that it is broken, and possibly her left leg and hip." I could hear Dani and Em gasp in shock. Dani spoke fast, "Is she going to be okay other than that." The man said, "We will know more once we run tests on her at the hospital." I could feel myself being lifted onto the stretcher and put into the Ambulance. I hear Dani tell Em to ride with me, she'd see us there. I try to open my eyes and talk, but I can't.

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