Safehouse Chapter 44

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Selah's POV

We watch Simon walk back up the aisle. I look at Louis with concern, "Uncle Simon knows who sent the package. This is good news is it not?" Louis looks lost in thought, "Well it could be good news, let's just hope for the best. That is all we can do. It looks like we are about to land. I am so tired. I am sure everyone is as tired as me if not more tired. This being on the run is for the birds. I hope the police can wrap this up fast so we can get on with our lives and finish planning our wedding. Don't you feel the same way too, babe?" Louis kisses me, "Yes I totally agree." I chuckle and kiss him back. A few minutes later we are still kissing and we hear a familiar voice really close to our faces, "It's about time for you two to come up for air, don't you think!" We jump out of our skin. We look up and Zayn is standing there. He shakes his head but smiles, "Did you guys hear the message over the intercom, it's time to get off the plane." We both blush and I tell Zayn thanks for the heads up. We all get our stuff and head off the plane.

It is daylight by the time we are landed in a secret area. There is another line of black vans waiting to take us to the SafeHouse. We all get loaded into the vans. I notice Simon getting into the passenger seat of the van Louis and I are in. We pull away from the airport. Simon turns in his seat towards us, "Louis, do you remember meeting a fan about 10 months ago, after a concert in America?" Louis thinks a minute, "Yes, and she started writing me a fan letter each day, everyday. When I met her that night she was friendly at first, then I had her meet Eleanor, she was my girlfriend at the time. When she found out I had a girlfriend she wasn't so friendly anymore. When Eleanor and I parted ways, oh I remember her name, Annabelle, she found out and that is when she started writing the letters. The first letter was really cool, so I wrote her back, but after that her letters made her seem like a deranged fan, so I stopped writing to her. She still writes the letters."

Simon cleared his throat and looked at me, "Selah, ever since Louis and the boys met you, there seems to be one adventure after another." I felt like I was being scolded. Simon smiled at me, "Please don't take it the wrong way. I wasn't meaning it was your fault, but since you came into the picture that is how everything started getting out of hand." Then I recall Louis' and my discussion about the gunmen, the Range Rover, and what is going on now. I look at Simon, "Actually you are trying to say that the gunman at the airport was Annabelle's father?" Simon looked stunned, "As a matter of fact he is her father, and he will do whatever it takes to make his daughter happy. He was the one driving the Range Rover when you got hit. Now he has a plan to kill you. Do not be worried, the police, security and special agents have everything under control."

We realize that we have made it to a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere. The vans stop, we all get our things and head inside. Simon tells everyone where their rooms are, and we all go freshen up for breakfast, we are all starving. I notice that there is a butler and a lot of maids. Louis grabs me, picks me up and carries me up the stairs to our room. When we are in our room he lays me on the bed and lays down beside me. We cuddle and kiss. Then Louis looks into my eyes while holding me, he says, "Don't worry love, they will find this man and his daughter. They will be put away, and we will be able to live our lives." He pulls me close and starts singing to me "Look After You" by the Fray, my favorite song that he sings. Before we know it we have fallen asleep.

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