Love & Surprises Part Two Chapter 85

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Selah's POV

The tech was moving the wand like stick over my belly when we heard a heartbeat. I was amazed. The tech had us look at the screen. Liam and Louis both hurried over. They were as amazed as I was. Then something shocking happened. We heard two more heartbeats. I asked the tech, "What's going on? Why does the heartbeat sound like that." The tech chuckled, "You are hearing three heartbeats." I bout fainted when she said those words. Three heartbeats means three babies. I looked at Liam and Louis, they were in total shock. I began to wonder how we were all going to deal with this strange turn of events. It's a good thing Olivia and Zayn were getting married the same day as Katelynne and Niall, which was just two weeks away. I hope I won't be showing too much by then.

Louis' POV

I really could not believe that Selah was pregnant in the first place and secondly me being the father, then thirdly she was having triplets. I can't leave her now can I? I wondered if it was right to stay with Selah for our children's sake or what. I just kept feeling confused and overwhelmed. Then I thought, even if we don't get back together and she gets with Liam, I will be a part of my children's lives. They would just have two dads and two moms. Oh man I really hope we all can work this out. I looked over at Liam. He was as shocked as me. I could tell he was worried also. Then I wondered how Selah was really feeling about all of this. I hope it doesn't cause more stress on her. Especially after the stress I put her through today.

Liam's POV

So much was going through my mind. I was probably going to lose Selah. She and Louis will probably get back together for the babies. This was too much to take in at one time. I was worried for Selah. She was already under so much stress as it was. Now this. Not that I'm not thankful she is having children, I am happy for her to have the children. I just kind of wish they were mine. I just kept staring at the screen seeing three tiny heads. It was a beautiful sight, regardless of how we were all going to deal with it. I noticed Selah was getting tired. She must be exhausted. I kissed her cheek and went and sat down. Louis walked over to her, kissed her forehead and came and sat down beside me. The tech was finished, by the time she left, Selah was asleep.

The nurse came back in a few minutes later. She was carrying some paperwork. When she noticed Selah was sleeping, she looked at us and ask which one of us was the father. I started to point at Louis, but he hurried and told the nurse we both were. The nurse looked as confused as me. I turned to Louis, he motioned for me to stay quiet. Then the nurse became all bubbly with excitement, "Oh I get it now. You both are partners and she was a surrogate for you guys so you could have children. I was so embarrassed. Louis busted out laughing making me more embarrassed. He saw my red face and explained our situation as best as possible. The nurse looked really confused.

She started to leave, then turned back. "I forgot to tell you guys since you both are the fathers that she is around ten weeks pregnant." She handed us some paperwork to look over and fill out. We both agreed we would wait for Selah to wake up, so she could have a say in how it was to be filled out. We sat in silence for a bit. Then Louis got up and started pacing the floor. He had a strange look on his face. He was starting to worry me. I had to ask, "Louis, what is it? What has you so upset? I can tell that you are unhappy about something." He ignored me and kept walking back and forth. Finally he came and sat down.

Louis' POV

"It just hit me. If she is ten weeks, there is no way that I am the father. If you remember I had to go out of town to take care of some business and was gone two weeks. That was ten weeks ago, and it has been twelve weeks since we have done anything. The reason we haven't been doing anything is by the time we work in the studio and various other things to do with the band, I have been falling into bed exhausted. Now Liam, let me finish. I see you giving me the evil eye. I know Selah hasn't gone behind my back and had an affair, but when she gets drunk she doesn't know what she's doing. I remember she had a party with everyone the night I was supposed to come home, but I got delayed and didn't come home til the next day. Do you remember who all was at the party, Liam?"

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