Triangle Of Love Part One Chapter 76

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Selah's POV

It's been about three weeks since Emily and Harry have left for their Honeymoon. They call two to three times a week letting everyone know that they are okay. I am so happy for them. I hear Louis' phone go off. I see that it is just a little past 6 am. I wonder who could be calling this early. Louis had been holding me in his arms. He let go and reached for his phone. He answers. I hear him say he will be there in 30 minutes. He shuts his phone off and runs his fingers through his hair sighing loudly. "Who was that, is everything okay?" I ask worriedly. He kisses my forehead and gets out of bed, not saying a word. I watch as he gets his clothes out and goes into the bathroom. I get up and follow him. I stand in the doorway as I see Louis leaning on the counter with his palms, looking down. He sighs again. "Louis, please you are scaring me. What is going on?"

Louis' POV

I didn't know how to tell her what was going on. I couldn't believe it when I heard Eleanor's voice on the line. She was crying and said she needed to see me as soon as possible. I had a bad feeling. She told me to come alone and not to tell Selah. How did she expect me not to tell her. If I don't tell her and she finds out she will be crushed. Maybe after I find out what is going on, I can tell her then. I hear her say my name and shrug my shoulder. I look at her, she gives me a questioning look. Before I can think I say, "That was my best friend Stan, you remember him right, well I know you never met him cause he went off to college, but you did talk to him a few times on the phone." I couldn't believe I had just told my first lie to Selah. I felt my face flame red. I felt like someone should knock some sense into me. I looked up at Selah and realized she believed me. I felt a little relieved. She told me I better hurry cause it really sounded urgent. She kissed my cheek and walked out of the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and felt lower than I had ever felt. I heard Selah's phone go off, so I busied myself getting ready.

Selah's POV

Louis seemed really concerned for his best friend, I prayed everything would work out alright. As I walked out of the bathroom my phone went off. I walked over to the table by the bed wondering who could be calling me at this hour. I looked at the caller I.D. it was Liam, I wonder what he would be calling for this early. I turned my phone on, "Hello, what's up?" At first all I could hear was someone faintly crying. Then, "Sorry Selah for calling so early," Liam spoke with a shaky voice. He had me worried now. "It's okay, what has happened?" I ask watching Louis put his shoes on with no socks. Liam had calmed down a little, "Is it okay if I come over, I need someone to talk to. I tried calling Niall and Zayn, but they didn't answer. Then I tried Louis' phone but he never answered either." Louis walked over and gave me a kiss on my forehead and said he'd be back in a bit. I followed him down the stairs to the door and watched him walk out. I remembered Liam was on the phone. "Sorry, Liam. Louis had to leave in a hurry, but it's okay, come on over. I hope everything is alright." Liam said he'd be over as soon as possible.

I decided to go get dressed for the day, cause I knew this was going to be a very trying day. I'd just finished brushing my hair when I heard the doorbell. I hurried down the stairs. I took one look out the window and saw Liam, I knew it was going to be just like that day about five or six months ago when he came back from a trip with Danielle and she had broken up with him. I felt so bad for him. Would anything ever stay right for him? I opened the door and he ran in and collapsed into my arms just like that day so long ago. I held him while he cried. Finally he calmed down and started apologizing for always crying on my shoulder. I told him not to worry, he was one of my best friends. I told him to go on into the sitting room and I would be back with some refreshments. I watched him walk into the sitting room looking like he didn't have a friend in the world. I went to the kitchen and put some tea biscuits on a tray along with two cups of tea.

I walked into the sitting room and Liam was sitting on one end of the couch with his head back lightly snoring. I smiled trying not to laugh, cause I had never heard him snore. I set the tray on the coffee table, and sat down on the other end of the couch. I sat there drinking my tea, thinking about what could be going on with Stan and what was happening with Liam. After awhile I looked at the clock and realized Louis had been gone almost four hours. I started getting worried, but then I knew that if something was really wrong he would call me. I laid my head back and kept wondering what could be going on with Stan and Liam. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I woke up awhile later to Louis' voice saying "Honey I'm Home" and then I heard him laughing. I lifted my head to figure out what he was laughing about. Liam had been so sound asleep he had slid down on the couch where his head was laying in my lap. I was embarrassed and shocked at first. Then Louis' laughter was contagious so I started laughing which woke up Liam. When he realized he had been sleeping in my lap he became so embarrassed that he jumped up away from me like I had some kind of disease. Louis told him not to worry about it. After Louis got a good look at Liam's swelled eyes from crying earlier he became concerned for him.

Louis' POV

When I got home, I was worried about what I would have to tell Selah about my meeting with Eleanor, but when I walked in and saw Liam sleeping on her lap, I thought that was the funniest thing especially when they both got embarrassed. Then I realized that Liam had to have come over for a reason and I noticed he must have been crying before he fell asleep. I can tell by looking at him that something is horribly wrong. "Hey Liam, you look like you are having a really bad day, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly. Liam sat there and put his head in his hands. I waited for him to pull it together. He shook his head and tried talking through the tears.

Liam's POV

"Things are not good at all. I should have seen this coming months back, then I wouldn't be going through this." I looked at Louis then at Selah, I could see the confused looks on their faces. I knew I wasn't making any sense but what do you expect after allowing myself to go through the same thing twice, I should have learned the first time. I realized I just needed to come out with it. "Danielle and I are broke up for good this time." It was so hard to say those words. I looked down at the floor. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I looked up at Louis, you could see the shocked but sad look on his face. Even Selah had a sad look on her face, but she didn't seem shocked. "Selah, you don't seem shocked, did she say anything to you. You have to tell me. Please, Selah?" I begged.

Selah's POV

I had a feeling things weren't good, but Danielle had never said anything to me. I could tell though that when we all hung out together she was more quiet than usual. "Liam, she never said anything, but she did seem different when she would come around. I never knew what was wrong, cause she never told anyone. I am really sorry that you have to go through this again." All at once, Liam laid his head on my shoulder and cried so hard. I shot Louis a look, but he seemed preoccupied about something. I turned my attention back to Liam. I put my arms around him and told him he would be alright. I remembered the last time I held him like this, I had reminded him of his fans, of how they always made him happy. "Liam, remember you still have your fans. I know they still care for you. They are happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad. And just like last time, things will get better. I am always here for you, as well as Louis and everyone else." By this time, Liam had settled down. I looked at Louis, but he seemed to be a million miles away.

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