Styles Wedding Chapter 75

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Styles Wedding

Selah's POV

Today was the big day for Emily and Harry. Everyone was buzzing. Harry's mom had recently got married and Louis' mom was engaged to be married. There was a lot of love going around. I looked around at everyone, so elegantly dressed. Emily told me to give her fifteen minutes alone so she could reflect on the days that led up to this day. Everything was set. The two songs that would be played as Emily walked down the aisle would be Love and Little Things. Then after they say their I do's and the minister pronounces them husband and wife, the song selected is Magic. During the wedding dance Truly Madly Deeply will be played. The girls came running over to me, letting me know it was time to go get Emily.

Emily's POV

Well here I am on the day I imagined but thought would never happen. I cannot explain what I am feeling. It is so magical. I am about to be Mrs. Emily Styles. Who would have ever thought he would choose me over a million other girls. No one will ever know how happy I am at this moment. As I begin to start crying happy tears, I hear the girls burst through the door asking me if I am ready. I stand before them. They all cry happy tears. Then we all just start laughing. Selah starts making sure my makeup is good and checks my wedding gown. She gives me a thumbs up. We all head for the door. I can hear the piano begin to play.

Harry's POV

The piano begins to play and I look down the aisle, I can't believe my eyes. There stands Emily in her beautiful wedding gown. She takes my breath away, she is so beautiful. I hear the song Love start. I watch Emily walk towards me down the aisle. I have a smile on my face from ear to ear. I can feel my heart thumping. This is the moment I have dreamt about since I asked her to marry me. I can see that she is very happy. I hope she can tell how happy I am. I barely notice the lads walking ahead of her with the bridesmaids. I glance at my mum and see happy tears flowing down her face. I can't believe she was recently married and I was the best man. So much happening all at once it seems. I look back to Emily. I can hear Little Things playing as she walks closer to me. Finally she reaches me, and I take her hand. The minister reads some things to us, but I can't hear a word he is saying cause I am staring into Emily's eyes and she is all I can think about at the moment.

Emily's POV

I get to Harry and take his hand. We stare into each other's eyes. I get lost in his. I feel Selah nudging me and I realize I am supposed to say 'I do'. I recover quickly from my embarrassment. I notice Harry doesn't realize it is his turn to say 'I do'. I see Louis poke him. Harry clears his throat, and says "I Do". We put each other's wedding bands on. Mine matching my engagement ring. The minister pronounces us Husband and Wife. We turn to face our families, friends and fans of course. I hear the song Magic playing as we walk hand n hand back down the aisle I came up. I can hear everyone whistling and congratulating us. We all head to the Banquet Room. I see how beautiful the girls have made it. Harry and I make it to our table. All of the wedding party sit down with us. I can hear everyone chatting while music is playing in the back ground. It is time for the wedding dance. Harry leads me onto the dance floor. Truly Madly Deeply is playing. I see the wedding party joining us on the dance floor. Then all at once the place comes alive and everyone is dancing.

Selah's POV

Louis takes my hand and we begin to dance. I look around at all the happy people. Katelynne is nuzzling Niall's neck. I giggle. Louis looks down at me and smiles. He says, "Soon will be our wonderful day." I smile and nod my head yes as he leans down and kisses me. We continue dancing, I lay my head on his shoulder. I can see Zayn and Olivia lost in their own little world. Even Danielle and Liam seem to be happier than ever. As I look around I realize this is the happiest everyone has ever been. I smile so big that Louis chuckles. The music stops and I hear Emily telling the girls to gather around for the wedding bouquet to be caught. I hurry and get in the crowd. Emily turns her back to us. She throws the bouquet over her head. I stand in a trance unable to move while the others are scrambling to catch it. Before I know it, the bouquet lands right in my hands. I didn't even realize I had my hands up. The other girls start teasing me and acting like they are mad at me. Then we all laugh it off. I see the guys gather around to catch the garter. I root for Louis.

Louis' POV

I can see that Selah's is rooting for me. The other girls are rooting for their guys. We all gather together to see who can catch the garter. I see Harry turn his back towards us. He then counts to five and throws the garter. I jump for it but I am knocked down by Zayn, who actually ends up falling on top of me. We struggle to get up and realize that Liam has caught the garter. We all congratulate him. He seems kind of stunned that he caught it. He looks around for Danielle but she is no where in sight. Harry clears his throat to get everyone's attention. Everyone stares at him as he takes Emily's hand. "I want to thank everyone here for working so hard to make sure Emily's and my day was the best. Thank you to everyone that came and shared in our special day. I know that what I say next will make some people sad, but I have a surprise for Emily." He turns to Emily. "Emily. I want our Honeymoon to be the most wonderful thing for us both, so for the next four months we are travelling to anywhere you want to go. We have four months, so we can go many places." Emily was so shocked she smiled happily at Harry as tears streamed down her face. She looks up at him, "Harry, I don't care where we go as long as I am with you." Then Harry leans down and kisses her.

Selah's POV

I knew Harry had a wonderful surprise for Emily, but I never realized they were going to be gone for four months. Even though I was going to miss them, I was still happy for them. I saw a Limo pull up outside. Everyone was hugging Emily and Harry, bidding them a wonderful Honeymoon. I got to Emily and held her. I didn't know why but I started crying realizing I would not see my best friend for four long months. I realized how selfish I was being. She asked me if I was okay. I nodded my head yes. Then smiled at her. I gave Harry a hug and told him he better keep her safe or he would have to answer to me. We started laughing. We all watched as they got in the Limo and drove away. Louis was behind me and I felt his arms wrap around me. I leaned into him looking up into his face, he kissed my forehead then said we better get everything cleaned up. All at once everyone finished up what needed to be done and headed home.

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