Drunken Mistakes Chapter 59

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One Month later

Selah's POV

I was getting excited to see Louis. He'd been gone on a business trip for a couple of weeks, so I decided to throw him a coming home party. The party would be starting in an hour and I hadn't heard from Louis. He's supposed to call me as soon as he makes it to the airport. Everyone started coming over to help get the party going. While I was getting the music ready I heard my phone go off. I smiled knowing it had to be Louis. Sure enough it was.

I answered excitedly, "Hey babe, are you going to be home soon?" I heard Louis sigh. He says,"I'm sorry love, but I won't make it home til tomorrow night." My heart dropped. "But, I had this surprise Coming Home party for you. It's supposed to be starting soon and everyone is already here. I miss you so much. These passed 2 weeks seems like years since I saw you." He sighs again, "I'm really sorry babe, I miss you too. You should go ahead and have the party. I'll call you in the morning and I'll be home tomorrow night. I love you, Selah. I really am sorry. Do you forgive me?" I let out a huge sigh, "Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry for being upset, I just miss you so much. I'm okay now. I love you, Louis." Louis says he loves me so much and can't wait to see me til tomorrow. We hang up.

I go back to start the music for the party. Liam walks over to me, "Was that Louis on the phone?" I nod my head yes and tell him that he won't be home til tomorrow. He sees how sad I am and pulls me into a hug. Everyone else begins to realize something is wrong so they all come over by me. Liam tells them and they all feel bad for me and hug me. I finally feel like getting the party started. I turn the music up really loud and we all begin to have fun.

I go to the liquor cabinet and get out the rum. I grab the Coke and 2 glasses. I head to the bar and tell Liam to join me. He's surprised when he realizes I had gotten a glass for him too. Since his kidney has healed he's been able to drink once in awhile. I began making a toast to just about everything. Before I know it we're on our third glass. Then everyone else decides to join us.

Harry and Zayn talk us into playing a game. Harry goes and gets 8 shot glasses. Titanium begins playing so I keep pouring myself shots and taking one every time I hear Fire Away. Then Harry had us take a shot every minute for 30 minutes. Everyone was starting to get restless and wanted to go home. They started calling their drivers. Liam was concerned for me and he told them he didn't feel right leaving me alone. They talked him into staying with me. I was so drunk I didn't know whether I was coming or going.

Everyone hugged us and headed home. I felt like dancing so I asked Liam to dance with me but he told me no. I got mad and sat down. Liam stumbled over to me and told me I should get some sleep. I looked up at him and said, "Louis, you're home?" He fell to the floor and kept trying to get up. I stood up and tried to crawl across him but kept tripping. I fell right on top of him. "Oh Louis, I love you, I need you." He had his eyes closed. I began kissing him. At first he wouldn't kiss me back and tried to push me off. I kissed him again. "Oh Louis" before long we had half of our clothes off and our kisses started becoming a burning passion. I felt his manhood enter me and it felt so good. I wanted to keep going. We were both so drunk we finished and I rolled half way off of him and we both passed out.

The next morning I awoke with a hangover laying next to Liam and realized we we're half naked. He woke up embarrassed and asked if we had done anything last night. I tried to think but couldn't remember so I told him I didn't think so. He got dressed and went home and I went and got in my bed.

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