Triangle Of Love Part Two Chapter 77

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Selah's POV

Louis has been going to see Stan everyday for the past three days. He hasn't told me what is going on, but I respect Stan's privacy. Liam comes over everyday to chill with me, playing video games and laughing about the pranks all the lads had pulled on each other over the years. He seems to be doing a little better. I was alone at the moment so I got my laptop and decided to check twitter since I hadn't been on in like a month. I log in and see #LouisandEleanor trending. I was in shock at first, then I thought well maybe the fans think since she is no longer dating my brother that they might get back together. I giggled at the thought. I had seen in the past what drama the fans could stir up. I click on the trend and can't believe my eyes. There were so many photos of Louis and Eleanor together at Starbucks, the mall, the Funky Buddha Club. Along with various other places. I think what the hell? Then I wonder if the photos are from before. I look a little closer, nope, they are from the last three days.

My heart falls to the floor, I feel like I am going crazy. I throw my laptop across the room and it busts through the sitting room window. I tell myself not to cry. I get up and start pacing back and forth. I grab my phone and call Louis it goes straight to voice mail. I don't even realize I am shaking so hard that I fall to my knees. I start rocking back and forth, then I hear myself scream but it sounds like it's miles away. I don't notice Liam come in. I feel someone wrap their arms around me, rocking back and forth with me. He is trying to calm me. I finally catch my breath and I don't want to look at Liam, because I feel like such a loser.

Liam's POV

As I am walking towards Louis and Selah's door I see a laptop come flying out the front window busting the glass. I rush in to find Selah on the floor crying hysterically. I automatically wrap my arms around her and try to calm her. She becomes calm but won't look at me. "Selah, what happened? What is going on? Tell me, maybe you will feel better." She finally turns towards me, glaring at me. I am confused. Why would she be glaring at me, I wonder. "What, did I do something wrong that I don't know about?" She still has tears streaming down her face. "Where is Louis, I am going to call him. He should be here, you need him." She jumps up and starts yelling at me.

Selah's POV

Liam tries calming me, it works for a little while, but then the thought comes to me, he probably knows where Louis has been going the past few days. I glare at him, I can tell he is confused and worried. Then he says he is calling Louis. I jump up, "NO! YOU WILL JUST GET HIS FREAKING VOICE MAIL!! YOU PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW THAT HE HASN'T BEEN VISITING STAN!!! GO AHEAD AND DENY THAT LOUIS HASN'T BEEN SNEAKING AND SEEING ELEANOR, LIAM! I KNOW YOU KNOW, DO NOT HIDE IT FROM ME!" Liam looks at me stunned with disbelief. I look away and feel myself about to freak out again.

Liam's POV

"Are you serious, Selah. Oh my God! Louis is going behind your back and seeing Eleanor? How do you know this? And you are wrong. I have no idea what you are talking about. Is it really true?" I am so stunned at first, then I am really pissed. If Louis is really doing this to Selah, he is such a jackass. I look at Selah, then I remember seeing the laptop flying through the window. "Is that why you threw the laptop through the window? Come and sit down on the couch and explain to me everything you know. I promise you, I knew nothing of them being together. I really hope it's just a misunderstanding." I take Selah's hand and lead her to the couch. We sit down. She tells me about the phone call that was supposed to have been from Stan, and about all the pictures on twitter of Louis and Eleanor together. I just cannot believe what I am hearing. At first I think maybe he is just helping Eleanor with something but then again why would he keep it from Selah. I try Louis' cell, Selah was right it went straight to voice mail.

Selah's POV

I am finally calm enough to tell Liam why I am so upset. He is shocked. "Liam could you not tell the others yet, and could you please stay with me and be here when I talk to Louis? I am so hurt I might throw a vase at him or something. I am just so upset and shocked. First he lies to me then he sneaks around behind my back. What did I do to make him stop loving me." The tears start falling again. Liam pulls me into a hug and I lay my head on his shoulder. before I know it I have cried myself to sleep in Liam's arms. I awaken to male voices yelling at each other. I sit up and Louis is looking at me red-faced. He is trying to explain to Liam that nothing is going on between him and Eleanor. He tells Liam that Eleanor wants him back, but he has been trying the past three days to get her to realize that he is with Selah. That they are over, but Eleanor won't stop crying and begging. He doesn't know what to do for her.

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