Chap 1😍

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Layla POV

I was getting ready to go to my nail salon when my Cousin Takeya called me
Keya- what you doing today?
Layla- work, going to get so food and home to go to sleep why?
Keya- wellll.... I wanted to go to the club tonight and I would have asked somebody else but you my one and only friend.
Layla- girl I ain't going to no club with you. You betta find some friends.
Keya- pleassse you can drink all you won't I'll pay.
Layla- ite deal and don't be late picking me up.
Keya- yay I love you and ok

I hung up the phone. And went to my closest and got a outfit out once I was done with that I falt ironed my blonde hair and got my purse and phone. Went into the garage got in my Bentley truck, and drove to my nail shop called PRETTY IN PAINT my momma was a lawyer and my dad was also a lawyer coming from a biracial family wasn't easy I always used to get picked on because I was mixed. When I was 18 my parents got killed by drunk driver. I had to go to college. Get a job and take care of my brother. It was hard but I worked my ass off to get where I'm today.

I pulled up to the shop and got out. Walked into the shop and seen my employees doing
people nails. " hey y'all" they said hey and started back working I went Into my office and started paying bills and getting my employees checks ready for Friday

"Layla you have somebody nails todo today they here now" I got up and I seen the girl I fought ova my ex boyfriend "fuck you doing here?" Everybody looked at me like I was crazy cause I neva cursed I was always the nice one. "I'm coming to get my nails done if that's fine with you" I nodded my head she being Respectful. She sat down in the chair I started to do her nails. I was thinkin about messing them up but it would have been bad for business since I'm thinking bout opening another salon.

After I was done with her nails she took a pic then left. I did a couple more people nails by the time I was done with all 5 people nails it's was 9 o'clock so I left and told them to lock up when they was done.

I got in my Bentley and drove home to get ready for the club. I parked my car in the garage. Went into my house got into the shower. Washed up got out, did my makeup something simple, and I put on my clothes by the time I was done with that it was 10 o'clock. "Noahh" he didn't answer he must be at his girlfriend house. Keya called me And told me she was outside. I walked outside and she was in her car " keya take me a picture" she rolled her eyes And got out the car took my phone and took me a picture. I took my phone and put the picture on Instagram.

We got in the car and drove to the club in once we got there

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We got in the car and drove to the club in once we got there. She parked the car and we got out. Walked in the club it was packed as usual 
" I'm finna go to the bar give me yo card" I yelled ova the music. She rolled her eyes and gave me her card "don't go ova board" I nodded my head and pushed though the crowd to get to the bar once I got there i sat down and ordered  a sex on the beach "your ID please"  I rolled my eyes at him and pulled out my ID. He nodded his Head and started making my drink

"THE KING OF THE CITY IS IN THE BUILDING EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP FOR GHOSTTT" the dj yelled on the mic I looked ova to where he was pointing at I seen a crowd of boys walking to the VIP. I seen keya walking up to me " girl you seen Ghost he fine asf" I shook my head no and a Mexican song me and keya used to dance off of came on I pulled keya to the dance floor and we started hitting that shit.

(Layla in white shorts)

They made the crowd made a circle around us.  "DAMN THEY BAD ASL" the dj yells ova the mic after the song was done we got up. Everybody was clapping for us keya was sayin thank you
I rolled my eyes and walked back to the bar. With keya tryna catch up behind me I made it to the bar and sat back down.

"We did that shit cousin" she laughed I laughed with her we lowkey did that we didnt  miss a beat. I looked at the bartender "give us 20 shots" he nodded his head and made our shots.

I took 10 keya took 10 we was drinking them back to back not stoping I felt somebody looking at me so I turned around And seen this darkskin nigga looking at me "Layla why the fuck you looking at Ghost " keya asked me

"Oh so that's the infamous Ghost he cute" I got up and started to walk ova there by him but keya pulled me back "Layla what the fuck you doing he not nobody to play with" I rolled my eyes "but he fine and I haven't had sex in 5 months and this liquor making me horny"

"I'd Layla since you wanna be hard headed do what you want call me when you done" she let me go and say back down I nodded my head and walked to the VIP section. I seen Big Joe the security Who like me and let me get into the VIP section anytime I won't. I walked into the VIP I seen my cousin Ron " lil cousin what you doing in the VIP"

"Dang I cant hang with the big dogs" befoe y'all call me a hoe I'm not this was going to be my second body. "Naw you can hang out with us let me introduce you to my peoples". I nodded my head "ite so this is Shawn, Travis, Deon, June and Ghost." I said hey to everyone and I looked at Ghost and bit my lip smiling.

"Is we gon roll some blunts because I gotta go to work tomorrow" the boy Travis nodded his head and start rolling blunts I went to sit down in a empty seat next to Ghost.

"So lil cuz who you fucking tonight" i laughed and looked at Ron "Definitely not you Ron and it's Nun of yo business."

Somebody tapped me by the shoulders I turned around and seen killer looking at me"May I help you" I questioned "Naw ma but you can help me by letting me get in does panties tonight" he smirked "is that how you talk to a girl" I smirked back "Naw that's how i talk to every fine ass thick girl I see" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You horny, I'm horny so let's be horny together"

He laughed and got up. He grabbed my hand
And we started walking out the VIP section "ooooo I see you lil cuz" I shook my head and laughed. We walked out the club to his car. We got and the car. He speed it to his home as soon as we got there he parked the car we both got out and walked inside his house.


His Dick was Big so I knew I wasn't going to be walking in the morning. He fucked me so hard that I couldn't breath "Stop running you wanted this dick so you gon have it" he was thrusting in and out. I was moaning every chance I got "IM FINNA CUMM" i yelled "naw hold that shit" he continued to thrust into my Pussy. After a while we both came

I started to go to sleep but I felt some body tap me "a lil mama you gotta go" I got up and rolled my eyes "hate niggas like you" I mumbled got up from the bed put back on my clothes and called Keya.

After like 20 minutes of waiting outside. It was cold asl and I was dumb asf. Keya pulled up and I ran to her car I was cold asl. I got in the car. She looked at me and shook her head I just shrugged my shoulders. It's my mistake fucking him and if a person didn't take care of me then please don't tell me right from wrong.

The car ride was silent. We pulled up to my house 10 minutes later. I got out the car and walked into the house, "NOAHH you home" i walked to his bedroom and seen that he was sleep. I kissed him on his head and told him i loved him and left out. It was me and my brother against the world. I got him under any circumstance.

I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower made sure I scrubbed my whole body 6 times and got out. I put on some shorts and a tank top went to my room and went to sleep.

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