Chap 14😍

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Layla POV
(play the song thoughout the story)
"Layla can you hear me." I slowly opened my eyes and seen Ron, he had tears in his eyes. I tried to talk but nothing came out, he gave me some water I drunk it. " How long I been out." Ron had rubbed his hands over his face and shook his head.

"Man you had was on a Breathing for like 2 days so they put you on ventilator. Layla you been in a coma for a month now." I nodded taking everything in. "I just can't believe Ghost shot me. I need to get out the city or something cause I know he still coming for me."

"Layla, Ghost Said He ain't shoot you, when I got into the room he was holding his shirt helping you." At this point I was more shock and confused then ever.

But I ain't say nothing. "Listen Layla I know you confused but Ghost going crazy out here on these street I mean going crazy, he killing any and everybody that's in his way, he coming for me next."

My heart monitor start acting up and going crazy.

"Layla calm down imma be cool imma just lay low for a while. I said some shit to ghost and he ain't take it likely, you gotta understand some shit Layla don't cross Ghost, he is what his name is. He'll pop up anywhere and scare the shit outta you."

"Well you need to go and lay low now you need to leave now cause I don't want you getting hurt or even worst killed." He nodded his head and gave me a hug. And left out the door.

I looked at the date on the tv cause the news was on. My baby was now 3 months and I ain't see him once, tears came into my eyes I quickly wiped them and told myself that everything was going to be ok. Imma be cool and imma see my son one day or someday.

The doctors came in and ran some test on me making sure everything was good, they had said I could leave in a couple of days. After they left I went my butt straight back to sleep.

A couple of hours later.

I woke up and went to the bathroom got In the shower and brushed my teeth and washed my face and tired to redo my bun. I left out the bathroom and seen Ghost. My heart started pounding so hard I could hear it.

"What Y—ou  D—oing here." He moved from where he was standing and I seen a car seat. I just broke out crying, "is he in there?" I questioned "I ain't gotta answer you see for Yoself."

I ran to my baby pain and all. When I picked him up Outta that car seat. I hugged him so hard. Y'all just don't kno when I was holding my baby I felt like everything gone be ok. I was just so blessed that Ghost ain't put no harm to my baby. "What's his name?" I said while i was crying. "Mayjor."

I looked down at my baby and just smiled. I wiped my tears. I whispered in his ear 'i just wanted you to know in everything in me I mean everything, Imma try, Imma try so hard to protect you even if that means me dieing all over again'. 

"Do he have a middle Name?" Ghost looked up from his phone. " Naw I'm letting you do that." I sat down on the bed with Mayjor in my hands and started thinking of names I had on my refrigerator at home.

"Mayjor A'money And What ever your last name is" I looked down at him and started playing with his lil nose .

I had noticed that he had a lil Peter Griffen Chin like me. That made me love him to the to all the plants and back even more. I looked at Ghost who was on his phone. And I started to think WHY?

Why after, him THREATING me, Putting a GUN up to my head, CHOKING me almost to death. Did he let me see my Son, half of my blood?

"Fuck you looking at me like that you got a stareing problem?" I looked at him even more. "Why?" I asked his face had frowned up "why what?" I signed and huffed out, when I huffed out pain shot through my body, I just wanted to yell. But I closed my eyes and let the pain pass.

"Why after everything you did you letting me see our son." I didn't want to say MY son cause he was just gon make a big deal of it and I couldn't handle a big deal right now.

"I ain't want you to see him at all You was dead to me, but the OG had made me come and her ass made me not shoot yo ass at the lil pool party."

I was thankful that his momma had did that. I have to meet her and tell her how thankful I am because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be seeing my son or I would have been in my grave by now.

"Since you letting me see the baby now can he stay at the hospital with me."  I didn't know nothing about Mayjor yet I didn't know his size, did he have his shots yet was he healthy, did he have any health conditions.

I didn't know nothing only thing I knew was his first and middle and that I was his momma. "Naw you can't keep him, two hour supervision everyday we gon see how all this month go if goes good.

You get to keep him without supervision. I don't trust you with my son. so for you to see him you gotta be thankful foe that." Tears started to come down my eyes I pick up Mayjor and whirsped his ear again.

'Hey, baby please just promise me something, promise me that when I'm gon you gon be ok, when you get older promise me that you gon follow your dreams, if something happened you better fall and get right back up. I know you not listening but atleast I'm telling you this. I love you Mayjor A'money so much but this is my last time saying that.'

I'm glad I got to see my son for the first and last time, I'm just soo tired, tired of fighting, tired of giving up, and tired of life in general. I died 3 time it doesn't mean I can't die the fourth. Ghost looked at me weirdly, but shook his head he got up and got Mayjor out my hands and put him back In the car seat and left.


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