Chap 17🖤

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Today was a new day and I was up dropping Mayjor off at daycare

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Today was a new day and I was up dropping Mayjor off at daycare. Boujee flew down here after she got arrested and been staying with me ever since.

I ain't ask her shit about what happened with the baby momma. I ain't want too nor did I care. I'm learning to mind my business when it comes to things like that.

"You ready to go to school papa?" He started crying, he ain't been wanting to go to school for a while now.

I kept him out for about 3 days, but now I think it's time for him to go back.

I parked my car and got out I took him out. He started kicking in my arms and falling out. "A'money!" He ain't listen to a damn word I said.

I just decided to put him back in the car cause sum was happening in that daycare, making him not want to go.

I got back and the car and drove off.. it was just a motherly instinct to put him back in the car. An not let him go to daycare today. I pulled my phone out and called Noah.

"Yo big Sus." I huffed on the phone, Noah hasn't been home in 4 days and I was getting worried. This was the first time he answered in those last 4 days.

"Noah can you do me a huge favor? I'll pay you." He signed. "Can you watch A'money for me tonight. I was gon take him to day care but he didn't want to go."

"Ite I'm finna be home in a few anyways. I might be there befo you do."
It was now 10pm at night I been watching A'money all day until Noah got home.

But anyways Boujee wanted to go outside to a club, so I said why not I deserved a day off. Been working nun stop.

Noah walked in the house smelling like weed. My face went up. "You been Smoking?" He looked at me and laughed.

"Go clean up self Noah. A'money Sleep just check up on him every 20 minutes. Imma call you and make sure everything going okay." He walked away and went straight to the shower.

I was getting less Strict on Noah he was almost 18 and as long as he was just smoking weed and not selling it I was good on that one.

"Boujeee come on."  Me and Boujee walked out the house. We got in my 2019 Jeep and pulled off. Boujee started playing her music.

"When yo next court date?"  Boujee looked up from her phone and looked at me. "Uhhh April 27th" I nodded my head; I was def flying back to the A to help my Only Friend, and the one who held me down when I ain't have nothing. 

She started playing Tink: Cut it Out I started getting in my feelings.
"you don't touch me the way that you used too! Something is missing see all of this distance is Very unusual! Someday I hope you can find a way to my heart againnn." I was really in my feeling and I didn't I why.

I pulled up at the Club it wasn't nun about 20 minutes from my house. We parked the car and got out. I walked up to The security Guard "Monty Girl!"

He nodded and let me through. Monty had connection with this club so I can get into it anytime I wanted.

We walked in it was a good amount of crowd. Me and boujee went straight to the bar and got our drinks. One Boujee songs came on and she went straight to the dance floor. I thought that the club was going to be fun but as a mom all I was thinking about was getting home to my papa.

My phone had dinged and I saw it was from a unknown Number.

My phone had dinged and I saw it was from a unknown Number

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I frowned So hard who would send me this, was this a joke. I started thinking bout my baby.

I went to the dance floor and grabbed Boujee so quick! I rushed out the club and went straight to my car. I called Noah! "Noah!"

"Yeah Layla," I signed in relief. "Get up and lock all the door. I'm on my way home." He said okay and hung up. Boujee started Asking me questions I ignored her.

I pulled up to my house witn 12 minutes. I jumped out the car. I got my keys and opened the door so fast. I looked and seen Noah on the couch watching tv.

I walked pass him and went to get my baby. When I got into his room I was so happy he was still right there. "Layla!! Come look at this!" Noah said I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. "What's going on?" He started rewinding the tv.

"49 year old Daycare Owner Kelly Price was shot and stabbed to death, Tonight at 9:51 pm

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"49 year old Daycare Owner Kelly Price was shot and stabbed to death, Tonight at 9:51 pm. Police says Kelly was walking to her car, when she was approached by two man in all black. Security camera shows Price death but not the two killers.

Price had two daycares and was a very nice lady. Police are still investigating who killed this Wonderful Woman. This is Tamiko Tam From FloridaNews."

"Ain't that Mayjor daycare Layla?" I nodded my head why is it always death around me these days?

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