Chap 6🖤

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Have you ever gotten yo ass beating you couldn't get outta bed

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Have you ever gotten yo ass beating you couldn't get outta bed. That's how I felt right now. Every time I moved my whole body cramped up.

My legs was hurting so bad and my breathing wasn't right at all my breaths were short.

I knew I had to get outta bed to see all the damage that had been done to my body. I ain't never been in a abusive relationship, until now. And this shit ion every want nobody to go through.

I really thought all the punching and hitting was ova. Yea the choking wasn't as bad as I felt right now. I guess old habits don't go away.

I slowly got bed and ran me some bathwater. I looked at my self in the mirror my face was all kinds of fucked up, I had a big ass black eye and my jaw was swollen almost shut.

Ion get how women get beat up by a nigga who they brought into the world.
when the women could have took them out not even getting to see the light. That no respect.

All I could do was cry it wasn't nothing else I could do. Call the police? Naw the system corrupted. Call my parents? No they both dead. Keya? Dead. Talk to Ron? Naw he to scared of ghost. I knew I was in this shit all alone. But I gotta take it day by day. Right?

I stopped the water, and took my clothes off I had been wearing for to two and a half days.

I slowly got in the tub wincing trying to sit down. Once I sat down I slowly started to wash myself and cried at the same time.
2 weeks later

"Layla come on get yo ass up! You not finna lay in this bed for another week." Boujee said.

"Can you just leave me alone I don't wanna go outside looking like this. My eye still black, my jaw purplish. I look like a clown." Boujee sat on the side of the bed.

"I kno but layla you gotta get up. You gotta show them that you bounce back boo. Dont you have to work today?" I sat up on my bed. "yeah at 2." Boujee looked at the time "girl get yo ass up it's 1:30 let me do your hair and put some makeup on." I huffed and got out of bed.

I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. I took about 20 minutes in the shower. When I got out, Boujee had a the flat irons and a lace "Come on you taking the longest."

I sat down and she braided my hair and put the wig on. No glue no nothing she made sure it was tight tho.

She flat ironed it. She put on my makeup which was a lot because that black eye was not corporating.

"Ok I'm done go put on your clothes so I can take you to work. I got up and started putting on my clothes after that.  Boujee dropped me off at work.

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