Chap 10😍

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Layla POV

I was now five months pregnant, and today I was doing my maternity photo shoot. By myself I didn't want Ghost to be there.

So I simply didn't tell him. I'm just so stressed ion have nobody now. But Nicki, I tried to text keya and tell her sorry but she wasn't having it.

So I wasn't going to continue to kiss her butt. I had to go to my nail shop today I haven't been there in a while so i don't know whats happening , Tania the girl who worked for me told me everything was going good but i wanted to see for myself. since nobody was there on Mondays.

pulling up at Pretty N Paint. It didn't even look like my shop everything was so messed up from the outside my glittery sign was broken my windows had cracks in them. and it looked like a abandoned shop.

I got out my car and walked to the shop, I just walked in cause the door was already bused open.

walking into the shop everything  was broken expensive nail polish was all over the walls.

I walked into my office and looked in my safe all my money for my baby and my lil brother was gon like dead flat gone. The only thing was in there was a note saying

"Aye bitch this a warning, stay the fuck away from my man or you dead on sight cold blood."

I just sat on the floor holding my stomach and just started bussing out crying. everything I worked for since my parents died Is gone. I literally have nobody who is going to help me.

Me and my baby is in danger. The world is literally not on my side right now.

I called up Nicki but she didn't answer. So I called the only person who was gon come so I called Ron.

"What's up lil cousin." Ron grinned in the camera he stopped smiling when he seen my tears. "Can you come and help me I'm at the shop."

"Man Lay Lay what the fuck going on man, you okay right? Ain't shit happen to you right?" I shook my head no "Ron everything is happening to me you just can't see it. Is you coming or what.?"

"Yeah,I'm On my Way!" I nodded my head and hung up the phone. I slowly got up from the floor,got the broom that was in the corner. And started sweeping up all the glass. I picked up the table. "Yo fuck you doing put that shit down."

I put the table down and turned around. "Were Ron At and why is you here?" He looked around the shop "what the fucking happened in here?" I rolled my eyes but he couldn't see it.

"Why don't you ask one of yo bitches." At this point I was mad at this point, I might be scared of Ghost ass but when it comes to my business and what I built. That's on a whole another level of disrespect.

"Watch yo mouth when you talking to me before I buss a cap I'm yo headm." I picked up the glass bottle and threw it at his head he dodged it and it hit the wall. "Get the Fuck out ghost I'm tired of everything, if you wanna kill my ass then do it you gon kill yo child to."

"Hold the Fuck Up who you fucking talking to and watch were you throwing shit." I walked over to him and picked up a piece of glass that broke and threw it at his face again this time he didn't dodge it it hit his face and cut it.

My heart Started beating really fast. He feet his face to see if he was bleeding and he was. I looked at the time I was going to be late for my photoshoot, imma just reschedule it.

Next thing you kno I was threw into the floor,On my back I felt Ghost hovering over me He grabbed jaw. "Bitch imma kill you when you drop this baby, that's on my lil sister." I gulped when he put it on his lil sister, before me and Keya was talking she told me don't get to a point when Ghost put shit on his lil sister cause he be for real.

"And you ain't off the hook yet why you ain't tell me bout yo lil photoshoot so we lying again."

"I didn't Lie to you Ghost I just didn't tell you." He let go of my jaw. "Get yo ass up." I slowly got up when I got up only thing I was feeling was pain in my back and stomach. Ghost went to go get something outta his car. I started crying and yelling his name, while holding my stomach.

He ran back in the shop, and looked confused "what the hell happened?" He looked down to my white legging I had on. "Aye lil mama you bleeding." I started to cry even more "get me to the hotel I'm losing my baby." He picked me up and ran to the car. He got in she swerved out the parking lot.

"Imma tell you this right now Ghost, I might be scared of you but if my baby heart stop beating imma make sure your heart stop beating, before mines stop beating, because it seems like every time I'm around you, you put this baby in danger." He just laughed at what I said like he didn't care

We pulled up at the hotel he helped me out. He got the people to give me a room quick. They started sticking needles in me, putting machines up they measured my stomach. I just sat there with tears just rolling out the corner of my eyes. Today was supposed to be a good day I was supposed to basically take picture with my unborn baby but he just had to come and ruin it.

The door opened in the doctor came in "How are you feeling Miss Roberson?" Ghost has cut me off "fuck all this greeting and shit what's going on with my child?" The doctor cleared his throat. "Im sorry but your child—

I'm back and that's all y'all need to kno

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