Chap 23🖤

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It's been 3 weeks since I left ghost in jail, he called every week just to speak to Mayjor

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It's been 3 weeks since I left ghost in jail, he called every week just to speak to Mayjor. But that's really it. Today was his court day and I decided to go, As much as I didn't like it, Ghost was My son father and If that meant testifying for him, to make sure my son had a dad that cared about him then I would do that shit as much as I could, these pass week I started to realize my son needed BOTH parents!

Mayjor was with Noah and his girlfriend while I was at court so I just knew he was in good hands. I parked my car and walked into the courthouse. 

I wasn't gonna lie I was nervous as fuck. I was lying to the government for Ghost, If this shit was for me I would've told their ass everything he did. But it wasn't for me It was for my son. I walked into the courtroom and sat down in the middle. Ghost and his team didn't even come out yet so we were just waiting.

I looked around and saw Ghost momma she saw me and shook her head; I hated that lady with a passion, If Ghost wanted too he ah be her ass too. Ghost came out searching the crowd he saw me and smiled. 


After the judge and everyone came in court started they were talking about the basics and how Ghost faked his death and some more shit about what happened at my house. "We would like to call Layla Roberson to the stand." I slowly got up and went to sit on the bench. "Hello, Ms.Roberson, Is it true that you're the mother of Ms.Banks Son?"

"Yes," I said nodded my head. "Is it also true that you filed for custody for your son and won because of Mr. Banks' abusive actions towards you?" I couldn't lie about that, that shit was on the books forever. "Yes, it is." "So Why is it that Dead Isiah Banks was at the house when you filed a restraining order on him."

"To be fair sir I didn't file the restraining order the judge who took my case did. What does this how to do with what's going on now? 

All I know is Isaish saved our son's life. It was self-defense, The man I was with was going to kill me and my son he was just doing right by his son."

"very well Miss. That's All." I got up and sat back down in my original seat. Ghost looked back at me nodding his head making it seem like I did good. 

"After the new evidence has been found we have decided to go into recess 10 minutes." The judge said Everybody got up and left out the courtroom.

Ghost mama came up to me. "If my son ends up in jail it's on you." I honestly felt bad for this lady she lost her daughter and is trying to hold on to a son who is crazy in the head, but that didn't give her a right to treat me how she always does.

"Girl if anything it's you're fought for raising a psychopath, you sad as fuck! After this day you would never see my son again I thought Ghost was the problem but it's really yo ass." I was tired of bad energy and that's all she was giving.


"After We discussed the new evidence found in the case the Jury and I has found Isiah Banks as Not Guilty of all charges. Filed against him The real killer is Jesus Black part of the Mexican Mafia." I looked around and saw Ghost Lawyer being put in handcuffs. 

When I tell y'all I was so confused, I knew his ass looked familiar he was the person who ran with when Ghost got shot! If his Lawyer took the fall for Ghost then he ah real one cause I would never.


When I had made it home I saw Noah and Mayjor on the couch watching tv. My baby was getting so big. I decided to start him some dreads he had been wanting them ever since he saw his dad growing his. He always did little things like trying to twist his own hair.'

  "where Amoura?" I asked Noah "she just left like 10 mins ago her momma needed her home." I nodded my head and sat on the couch and took off my heels. My phone started ringing so I answered. "Open the door." I frowned "GHOSt?! I thought you were getting out tomorrow?"

I got up and opened the door. Mayjor followed me "DADDY!" Mayjor yelled running to Ghost hugging him Ghost picked him up.

"EEEE SonSon you growing dreads like daddy!" I smiled my son loved him to death. Ghost came in the house he looked around. This house was definitely bigger than the last and it wasn't neighbors for miles. Ghost sat Mayjor on the couch and looked at me. "We need to talk."

"About what?" I wasn't gonna bother asking him why that man took the blame for him the less I knew the Better. " How shit finna go down now that I'm back." I nodded my head and went upstairs into my room with Ghost behind me. 

"Talk," I said sitting down on my bed. "Imma is staying here for a while, I don't need shit from you. Look, to be honest, I ain't lie to you when I said I was gonna do better my son deserve that shit, and mo."

"You don't need to worry about me putting my hands on you or nun of that shit I ain't on that type of time nomo, I'm focused on building my business down here since ATL and Chicago doing well so you won't see me. You got some shit to say?"

"Nigga, to be honest, I don't want you living here I don't feel safe with you, if you think that you saying all that shit is gonna help me heal it's not.

I Love My Son to death and he loves you to death but if you keep putting me and my son in danger Ghost this Co-parent shit or whatever we doing ain't gonna work. I need you to be honest with me. That's all I'm asking." 

I didn't know how to feel on one hand I was like finally this Nigga changing but on the other hand, I'm like he's lying because that's who Ghost is a liar. 

"Imma show yall I promise." He said trynna step close to me grabbing on my butt and shit. "Nigga move!" I said pushing him off me. he laughed "oh and I forgot we fucking tonight you looked good asl in court."

I ah be damned if he think he fucking ever again.


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