Chap 9😍

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Layla POV

Today was my doctors appointment and I was scared asl. I ain't never been so scared in my life. I talked to Noah he doing good he getting back to his old self. I just got from coming to get my lace front in so I put it on instagram and Facebook

 I just got from coming to get my lace front in so I put it on instagram and Facebook

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I got in my car my phone started ringing. "Where the fuck you at." I gulped "I'm like 2 blocks away." He hung up the phone I was so glad that he wasn't pissed.

Like 7 minutes later I pull up to PCC I got out and made it to the waiting room. And before y'all ask why I'm at PCC is because I never changed my medical papers. I seen ghost and I sat as far away as I could from him. I was lucky they called my name I got up I seen ghost get up and walk to the door with me.

The nurse took us to room 5 and we had to sit in there by ourself as for a few minutes. I felt him grip me by my arms and he whispered in my ear

"let me found out you lying to me again ion care What it's about I'm straight up killing you and yo lil brother then I'm taking the baby." My eyes widened and I looked in his eyes I could see why people called him ghost he was scary as fuck.

The nurse came back in. I laid down and pulled up my shirt. She put the gel on my stomach and started to move around with the wond.

"Every thing looks ok but you have to be careful and stop stressing. Let's check the baby's heart beat shall we?" I nooded my head.

I heard the heart beat and I looked at the screen, my baby heart wasn't beating correctly the heart montier was going crazy it his heart beat was going up all kinds of ways.

"What's wrong with my baby." Tears was coming to my eyes "miss it seems that you are under high risk of losing your baby. Have you been taking any kinds of drugs to try to prevent this pregnancy."

I frowned "Drugs! No!." I looked over to ghost he looked so mad he head his hands in a fist. "Ghost I promise I didnt do nothing to harm this baby I promise." He didn't say nothing he looked at me like he wanted to kill me.

"Miss have you been drinking any liquor of any kinds." I just kept shaking my head No. "The only thing I have been drinking is water thought this whole pregnancy. She nodded her head "ok miss umm.. I'm going to prescribe you some Vitamins to try to get the baby's heart back to normal. Other than that would you like to see the baby's gender?"

I was about to open my mouth and say yes. Cause I didn't know if I was going to lose my baby so I would want to at least kno the gender. But ghost spoke up.

"Naw she cool she don't need to kno we having a gender reveal." I frowned I don't like gender reveals they just so unless it me but I couldn't say nun cause if another word came out my mouth the way ghost was looking I knew I would get my ass beat infornt if the nurse.

"Are you sure miss?" I opened my mouth again to talk but ghost talked over me again "YEA SHE SURE!" He yelled at the nurse the nurse jumped back a little then nodded her head. "Very well I will go get the paper work for the Vitamins." I nodded my head she left out I took the gel off my stomach and pulled my shirt down.

"Come here." Ghost said I got up slowly from the bed and walked to him. He pulled me which caused me to sit on his lap. I felt a gun in my back. I started at breathing really fast. "Lose this baby and watch what I do 5 bullets in yo head. 3 bullets in Ron head 2 bullets in Takeya's head 4 bullets In yo lil brothers head."

"t----he nurse said I--I couldn't be under stress, and you w-with a gun to my back i-is stressing me out, s-so if you don't w---anna lose this baby p--please just leave me a--lone and stop stressing me out." I cried and sumbbles over my words at the same time.

He still had the gun on my back, I felt his eyes burning the back of my head like he was thinking about something.

I felt him releast the gun off my back I jumped up off of him and I felt happy that I ain't hAve no gun to me nomo the nurse came back in she gave me the paper I grabbed my purse and ran out the door and got in my car. I drove off and went back home. I started to think about the fact that I didn't have a Christmas with my lil brother and the fact that my baby could be born at anytime in 2k19.

I just hope that stuff change for the good because right now it's changing for the worst and I dont think I'm ready for that.

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