Chap 21🖤

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Monty jumped out the car, when ghost came out with the gun

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Monty jumped out the car, when ghost came out with the gun. "I know you nigga!" Ghost said pointing the gun at Monty. Outta nowhere Monty pulled out a gun too. I was confused, when Monty started holding straps?

"You was fucking this Opp Layla?!" I Frowned, again I was confused. How they knew each other? "Bitch Answer Me!" I Jumped at Ghost Voice.

"Why that's your problem?" I asked Ghost. Ghost started pacing back and forth still pointing the gun at Monty. "You let him around my son?!"

"Yea you was so called dead, I'm confused how y'all know each other! He a barber you a drug lord. Y'all not in the same category." Ghost chuckled and looked at me like I was slow.

"Yo ass must be slower then I think you are! The Nigga Ain't no barber you dummy! Wait ah minute he been cutting my son hair?! That's why his Lining fucked up!"

Ghost pointed his gun to Monty and shot him in the Leg making Monty drop his gun and grabbed his leg. When I seen Monty fall I ran up to him. Ghost pointed the gun at me.

"Beg the fuck up!" My eyes widen "Nigga you just shot him!" Ghost put his hand on the trigger.

"I'll shoot yo ass too! Beg up!" When I tell you I went back on my porch so quick. One of the girls pulled my hair. Making me fall coming up the stairs.

All I felt was something Splatter on my face. I started screaming so loud, when I realized it was blood. I closed my eyes wishing all this shit was over.

It was giving me flashbacks of the shit that happened to me. "Mane Quit all that yelling! I den told yo ass it was snakes around you and you didn't listen."

All I heard was my baby crying, so I went back inside, I couldn't see the damage Ghost was doing this shit was Crazy, as I said before I wasn't built for this hood type of lifestyle. Before going upstairs to get my baby I went to wash my face.

I couldn't believe he shot that girl in the head, like that. I knew I was probably going to have to move again. These White people is nosey they probably seen everything that's going down.

Yet Again My Ass Couldn't Get A Break. It was always something.  After washing my face I Went upstairs to get my baby.

He was laying in the bed crying loud. I picked him up. Once I picked him up all I heard was a loud ass POP. I ducked with my baby, it was just a instinct.

Once the shooting stopped I got off the floor and looked out my window. One of the girls was holding a gun, laying on the ground, it looked like she was dead. The other girl whole brains got splattered on me was still in the same spot.

I seen Monty laying on his car dead. Ghost was sitting on my steps holding his arm like he got shot or some. Next thing I heard was police sirens.

At that point I ain't give a fuck about Ghost, or any other person that was on that ground. As I heard the police sirens getting closer. I grabbed my purse and ran down stairs with my baby in my hand. "COME ON NOAH. Turn off the tv."

He put on his slides and turned off the TV. We went to the garage and got into the car. I opensed the garage door and drove my car outta there.

I closed the garage door. I seen ghost looking at my car. I stuck my middle finger out at him.

It's like every time I'm around him some violence happen, and this time I'll admit some of this shit my fought.

But what ain't my fought is him picking up that phone, making the nigga I fuck with think I'm doing some shit with my Babydaddy. What was also his fought is him being sloppy asl with the killings.

Never in the time I knew Ghost have I heard him being sloppy with murders. That shit was some thing the Mexicans did.

They ass must have changed his lil ass into a real live nonchalant killer an these streets.

As I was leaving out the gated community the police was coming in, 3 cars had passed me. I was scared but I ain't stop for shit.

It was like I was getting used to this shit, and I don't like that at all because Once I get attached, I know some real shit going to go down.

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