Chap 19😍

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Layla POV

After I got out the bathroom I walked back to the livingroom/ bedroom area I looked and seen Mayjor knocked out on the rug with his toy in his hand.

I picked him up and put him on the bed. Ghost looked up from his phone, to be honest i don't even know why he here, he looked bored outta his mind. "You know you can leave right." He waved me off.

"Mane shut the fuck up talking to me." I mugged him, "I'm trying help you, you the one who look bored." He waved me off  "you know you a weird ass nigga, how you gonna get mad I'm playing with my son."

"Ain't nobody mad now shut up talking to me for I give you sum to talk about real talk." My phone started ringing, I noticed it was Boujee.

"Hello, Layla is the food there?" I literally forgot all about the food "naw ain't nobody here." She smacked her lips "but it says it's there."

Boujee was a all time slow, like this girl was really slow, one time she asked me how did I have my baby, I had told her I had a c-section. She asked me what is that. I looked at her like bitch you must be really dumb.

"Boujee you probably didn't put it into my address, it probably still say your address check yo phone."

"Aww yeah, my food downstairs bye." She hung up the phone , I understand why she picked her name Boujee, she was Boujee and slow.

I had realized I was hungry after I hung up and it wasn't no food in the refrigerator,and I didn't have Door dash or even a car.

So I turned and looked at ghost. For a couple minutes until he noticed I was looking at him.
"Fuck you staring at me foe move around." He said mugging me "I'm hungry. Can you go get me some Chick-Fil-A or sum Chipotle please?" He looked at me like I had sum on my face.

"Bitch ion like you, get yo own shit fuck I look like to you." I jumped at how his voice got loud.

I was scared I'm not going to lie but at the same time I had to stand my ground I couldn't let him keep running over me like I was the ground.

"Well last time I had checked you umm nutted in me, I got pregnant and you became my baby daddy that's what you look like my babydaddy." I said smiling satisfied with my answer.

"Don't put me in that babydaddy category if you ain't my babymother I'm not yo babydaddy should've never nutted in yo ass, I admit I'm dumb asf for that." He said shaking his head.

"You trapped me didn't you. Ion get how mad you was that I didn't tell you about my baby, cause any other niggas would have been happy that they didn't get me or any other girl pregnant.

See I told you, you weird." He was finna say sum but his phone started ringing.

I picked up my phone and texted Boujee can I get her password and stuff to door dash so I could order me some food.

Cause I know ghost wasn't gonna do it. "She What?!" Ghost yelled I had my back facing him so I wasn't even paying attention to what happened next.

My whole body fell to the floor. I started crying my whole body was hurting. "Bitch don't ever disrespect my momma again you got the game fucked up."

I slowly got up from the floor and slowly walked to the couch. I quickly wiped my tears.

"Get Out My Fucking House Ghost." I picked up my baby and started holding him tight in my arms so ghost wouldn't take him.

"bitch give me my son." I shook my head no. An held my Baby tighter, "GET OUT GHOST ILL BRING HIM TO YOU TOMORROW, JUST PLEASE LEAVE." Ghost nodded his head.

"ite imma let him stay, but I'm telling you right now don't you ever disrespect my mother again." He said gripping my face. Than let it go. He left out the door and slammed it.

I sat on the couch and started rocking my baby, crying. To be honest all I wanted was a good childhood for my son where he had two parents in his life like I did.

See his this right here what's happening with ghost is something I knew what was going to happen I mean he's a drug lord. I didn't want my son growing up in this stuff. This shit was not healthy.

Than I realized some shit, I needed to run and never look back, if I wanted a life for my son this was my chance to run with him, and kept him grow up with stability in his life.

I instantly got up and started putting shit in my suitcase, I got out my phone and order me a cheap plane ticket. And since Mayjor didn't need a ticket since he was just 1 I just got his bag ghost had brought over,  I started throwing his toys and bottles in his bag. I ordered my Uber.

As soon as my Uber came I rushed out the door holding my sleeping baby. I opened up the Uber door. "You're Layla?" The girl had asked I nodded my head and got in. She had pulled off. I started whirsping in my baby ear. "Mommy got you baby, I promise you gonna have a good life.":

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