Chap 7😍

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Layla POV

I woke up, brushed my teeth washed my face. Went down stairs made me some cereal with some strawberries. Sat down and watched Black Ink Crew. I just started watching the new season. As I'm watching the 2nd episode somebody started banging on my front door. I got up and walked to the door answered it. I just felt my body flying back to the wall.

"So you wanna lie in my face huh" I frowned cause I heard Ghost voice. I got out from the back of the door and since he was already inside of the house I closed the Door. "Boy what is you talking about?" He yanked me by my arm "quit playing yo cousin told me bout yo  lil plan about keeping my baby away from me." I rolled my eyes "boy the baby ain't your why can't you just get that threw to fucking head. He pressed one of my pressure points when I tell you it hurt so bad tears was coming to my eyes. "Lie again" and that's what I did.

"The.Baby.Aint.Yours now let me go." He threw me to the couch, and holded my heads down.

"Look I been trynna be real cool with ya but yo ass  really testing me, plus I don't like liers and yo ass lying" he took out his IPhone and called some body "kill him"I started yelling once I figured out who he was killing I just was crying and yelling. "Please don't kill him he the only person I got Ghost." I tears was just coming from My eyes every thing was blur "ok I give up the baby is yours, I never slept with anyone but you. Isn't that what you wanted to here" he let me go I ran upstairs and seen Noah and Deon, Deon had a gun in Noah head. Noah had tears coming out of his eyes. "Stand down Deon" ghost told him he put the gun, I ran to Noah and hugged him so hard I was just crying so bad, "I'm so sorry" I just kept telling him I was sorry because it was,my fault.

If I didn't mess with ghost and the first place we wouldnt be in this preditment. I looked up and seen that ghost and Deon was gon. I let go of noah he got up and went to his bathroom. I wasn't gonna call keya cause we in a bad place.

I left outta Noah room and went straight to my room I packed some clothes, and told Noah to pack some to I didn't want him staying here after he was at gun point so we was going to stay at a hotel for a couple of days. After what just happened i knew not to mess with ghost he could get some thing done at the snap of his fingers.

I went to Noah room i seem that he was packed so we left. We drove to 5 star hotel, it had two queen size bed a bathroom and a little kitchen. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror my eyes was red and puffy. I neva cried so much, I walked back in the room and seen Noah just staring out the window. I neva took Noah around the guns, the drugs, the gangbangers. I just felt that he can do so much better in life with out that.

"This is all yo fault my lil ass almost died because yo ass couldn't keep yo legs closed"

I just ignored him cause he was right, i made my bed now I gotta lay in it.

I ain't kno Ghost was that dangerous, yea keya told me stories but me being Me I always see the good in people. Noah went to the bathroom N I laid in the bed and took a nap.

A couple hours later

I woke up and looked at the time it was 7:00pm I got up from the bed, I don't know what it was but something didn't feel right with my baby. I started getting these pains it was like some body was stabbing me ova in ova it wasn't like no contractions. "Noahhh!!! Please call the ambulance" he started rushing to get this phone he called them. "Layla they said they on they way."

I started crying cause they was taking to long. What if I lost my baby, I just kept on thinking what if. About 10 minutes later they came they put me in a wheel chair cause I could walk. Noah was calling everybody saying that something was wrong with me. I just really hope my baby ok.

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