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July Age 8

"Happy Fourth of July!" Dan cheered as he jumped on his bestfriends back. Phil giggled.

"So wait your name is Nugget? Like the food?" Chosen asked confused.

"Nickname. I don't tell people my really name." Nugget said. "So your name is Chosen?" Chosen rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Yes it is and if you make some crappy Star Wars jokes I'm going to be pissed." Chosen and Nugget laughed.

"No Nugget would never." Nugget said and started to get flashbacks to Nugget cave.

"Okay.." Chosen said and walked away. Currently Tiffany, Linda, Nugget, Pete, Lily, Billy, Wyatt. Jaeden, Sophia, Jeremy, Chris, Pj, Dan, and Phil were at Dan's house.

"So Lily. Did it hurt?" Wyatt asked smirking and Sophia groaned.

"What? When I fell from heaven?" She said bitterly. She hated pickup lines.

"No when you scrapped your knee crawling out of Hell." Wyatt said and walked away, leaving Lily speechless.

"So Chosen didn't you say you invited someone?" Jeremy said while bitting into a hotdog.

"NO NO! I said 'somebody forced herself and found Dan's address!' And that person is-"

"Chosen!" Cindy squealed as she jumped out the car. Everyone looked at Chosen shocked.

"Oh my god! You invited Cindy!? The one who makes Lily's life a living hell?!" Wyatt yelled and Lily turned around. Lily froze as she saw the blonde hair bitch.

"It's fine Wyatt..I don't get a say in who and who can't come. It isn't my house." She said nervously.

"I wish you didn't come.." Jaeden mumbled but only Dan heard.

"That's it! Chosen we need to talk now!" Wyatt said and dragged Chosen behind a shed.

"Oh shit I'm in trouble by noodle head!" Chosen gasped. Suddenly the two disappeared.

"Dan look!" Phil said and Dan turned his head to Phil. Dan looked and Phil light a huge firework that no one saw Phil snatch. Suddenly a loud sound went off and everyone turned their head towards Phil.

"Phil move!" Dan said and ran towards Phil. Dan yanked Phil backwards and Phil fell back with a 'Oof'' and suddenly colorfulness exploded into the sky. The two boys started in awe as Phil sat and Dan's lap with Dan's arms wrapped around him in protection.

"GET INSIDE BOY RIGHT NOW BOY!" Pete screamed and Phil flinched. He got off Dan's lap and ran inside.

"Did you hear that?" Chosen asked and Wyatt groaned.

"Are you listening Chosen!? You invited Lily's bully!" Wyatt yelled.

"No I didn't! She sniffed me and touched in places I REFUSE to remember until she gave me Dan's address!" Chosen yelled.

"You don't just give someone's address! You would be a horrible spy!" Wyatt said and Chosen rolled his eyes.

"Look at it from my view! I didn't want to invite her! If anything I was assaulted!" Chosen said.

"Where did she touch you?" Wyatt asked confused and Chosen shook his head.

"Like I said I refuse to remember!" Chosen said.

"Okay fine! Look at it from my view! I like Lily and the fact that the person who calls her 'ugly' 'disgusting' and says 'kys' to her is here pisses me off!" Wyatt yelled.

"I DID NOT INVITE HER! I JUST GAVE HER THE FUCKING ADDRESS! And what's going on with this whole 'I'm straight' thing?" Chosen asked bluntly.

"W-What?" Wyatt asked confused.

"I mean c'mon! You call Jaeden your boyfriend, you beg him to kiss you, he sits in your lap, you hold him by the waist, and NOW all of the sudden your straight?" Chosen said.

"That's how bestfriends act Chosen!You'd know if you had any friends!" Wyatt yelled out by accident. There was a flash of hurt in Chosen's eyes.

"Fuck You." Chosen said and walked away. He lived on the same street as Dan.

"Wait Chosen I'm sorry!" Wyatt yelled and got a middle finger in response.

"What were you thinking boy! You could've been killed!" Pete yelled and Phil rolled his eyes.

"Not like you care anyway." Phil said and got a slap to the face.

"I don't care but your mother does. And what's with that disgusting jacket? Take that shit off." Pete demanded.

"No." Phil said, standing up for himself for once.

"What did you say?" Pete asked darkly.

"I said no!" Phil yelled and punched Pete in the face. He was surprisingly strong for his age so it caused Pete to fall to the floor.

"Ah fuck!" He yelled. And Phil kicked him in the head.

"This is for Dan!" Kick "This is for Wyatt!" Kick "This is for my mum!" Kick "This is for everyone else you've fucked over." Kick "This is for Cassie!" Kick "And this is for me." Kick

Phil ran out the house fast, making sure to keep his leather jacket on.

"C'mon Dan we have to go!" Phil yelled and before he could protest Phil pulled Dan by his hand and the two ran to the junkyard.

"Boys! Where are you going!?" Linda called out but Phil ignored her. They just kept running.

"S-Stop..I'm out of breath." Dan said breathing heavily. Phil stopped and they sat down on a tire. "What happened? Why was I dragged out here?" Dan asked.

"I may have punched Pete and kicked him in the head a couple of times." Phil said nervously and Dan looked at him like he was crazy.

"What!? Oh my god he'll kill you! I don't want you to die.." Dan said and started to cry a bit on Phil's shoulder. Phil sighed and pulled Dan into his lap. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's neck and sobbed in Phil's neck. Phil grabbed him by the hips.

"What wrong bear?" He said, trying to comfort Dan.

"He-He's going to kill you.." Dan whimpered and Phil shook his head.

"No he won't. He'll beat me but he won't kill me. Not with Linda and Cassie around." Phil said and Dan continued to sob into Phil's neck.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He said sadly and Phil sighed.

"It'll be okay." Phil said and Dan shook his head. "Don't you trust me?" Phil said and Dan nodded. "Then you have to trust I know what I'm doing, okay?" Phil said softly.


Wow that ending was gay. Also who do you agree with, Wyatt or Chosen? Also

 Also who do you agree with, Wyatt or Chosen? Also

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I like my haircut. Okai bye :3

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