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So much stuff happens in 5th grade but they're only in 4th

November Ages 9-10

"Hey Dan!" Sophia beamed as she sat down next to Dan.

"Hey Soph. What's up?" Dan asked as he was eating ice cream. They were currently at school eating lunch.

"Well..Um.. I was wondering if you liked anyone?" Sophia asked nervously.

"Oh..Oh! You mean like like someone?" Dan said while blushing.

"Yeah.." She said with an awkward laugh.

"I mean..kinda.." Dan said nervously.

"W-Who?" Sophia asked and put her hand on Dan's.


"What's up gays!" Chosen said out of nowhere. Sophia rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Chosen we're busy here." Sophia said bitterly.

"Well that's great but I need to speak to Dan." Chosen said and dragged Dan to Phil.

"No No! Jackie that's not how you spell Ouija." Finn said while Jack was sitting his his lap.

"Yes it is! There's not a fucking 'O' in Ouija! It doesn't make sense." Jack said and Finn lightly slapped his arm.

"Don't swear Jackie. And there is! I'm good at spelling." Finn said proudly.

"Well clearly you aren't good at it with Ouija. Y'know Finne-"

"Alright guys stop fucking I brought Dan away from the thot." Chosen said and forced Dan down.

"Chosen don't swear." Finn said and Jack giggled.

"What's a thot?" Dan asked confused.

"It's what Sophia is." Phil said bitterly.

"Don't call Sophia that." Jeremy said. Sophia was currently sitting with Sadie, Millie, Lily, and Wyatt.

"Well it's the truth! First she like Dan, then me, and then back to Dan." Chosen said.

"She never liked you." Jeremy said.

"Sophia doesn't like me like that." Dan said innocently. Everyone looked at him and busted out laughing.

"Dude how blind are you?" Chosen said while laughing.

"Dan you could do better.." Phil said. Dan smiled and rested his head Phil's shoulder.

"Well I still don't think she likes me." Dan said.

"Do you like her?" Jaeden asked.

"I-I don't know..I'm not allowed to date her because Phil liked her." Dan said.

"Phil never-" Finn started to say but Jack quickly put his hand over his mouth and mouthed 'shut up'.

"Look yes I like her but nothing can happen because Phil liked her and that would be breaking the bro code." Dan said and Phil nodded.

"Hey Dan?" Phil asked. The two were currently in Dan's room, cuddling innocently. Phil wearing his leather jacket that was still a bit big with his ring and Dan had his flower crown with his ring. His parents weren't home so he could wear the flower crown.

"Yeah?" Dan asked.

"If I didn't use to like Sophia would you date her?" Phil asked.

"I don't know. Relationships in school don't really last." Dan said and Phil nodded. Phil put his face in the crook of Dan's neck and accidentally blew air on it. Dan jumped up in response.

"AH!" Dan yelled and quickly put his hands on his neck. His face was a shade of pink.

"What?" Phil asked confused.

"D-Don't do that! It feels weird.." Dan said embarrassed.

"Oh sorry. Must be sensitive or something." Phil said while shrugging his shoulders. Dan nodded, still a bit embarrassed, and got back in Phil's arms.

"Hey mom?" Dan asked. The four were currently sitting at the dinner table eating.

"Yes dear?" Tiffany asked.

"What's a thot?" Dan asked and Phil bursted out laughing. Tiffany's eyes went wide and Nugget was trying to hold back laughter.

"A thot? Uh..why do you ask?" Tiffany said confused.

"Because Phil said that's was Sophia is. Chosen always yells 'be gone thot' at her. So I'm curious." Dan said innocently.

"Well Dan. Basically a thot is like a slut. Someone who sleeps around." Nugget said.

"Sleeps around? Does that make me a thot?" Dan asked confused and Nugget was biting his tongue, trying not to laugh.

"No dear..basically it's someone who has sexual intercourse with random people." Tiffany said.

"Oh okay." Dan said and went back to eating. Then Dan suddenly realized something. "Wait Sophia isn't a thot." Dan said, turning to Phil.

"Well we say it as a joke." Phil said nervously and Dan nodded.

"Yes Mr. Howell?" The fourth grade teacher called on Dan to answer the problem.

"Is the answer twenty one?" Dan asked nervously.

"Yes that's correct." The teacher said.

"Yes! Thanks thot!" Dan said and the teacher turned around.

"Excuse me?" The teacher asked in shock.

"Wait? I just said-"

"He meant to say thanks a lot. Dan can sometimes slur his words." Sophia said, covering for Dan.

"Oh okay.." The teacher said and went back to the board. Suddenly it was time for recess.

"Alright gays here's the plan. Dan, you and Phil will pretend to be a teen and walk into Spencer's. You'll buy a dick hat and then put it on Wyatt, since he's being a dick." Chosen said and Jack gagged.

"Don't swear-"

"Yeah yeah we get it. 'Don't swear in front of innocent Jackie.' Jeez your like a dad." Chosen said, mocking Finn.

"Don't call me Jackie. And I'm not innocent!" Jack said with a blushing face and Finn giggled.

"Whatever you say babe." Finn said and kissed Jack's cheek.

"Wow you guys are gay. Anyone Dan will you do it?" Chosen asked.

"No! That's so gross Chosen." Dan said and Chosen rolled his eyes.

"C'mon don't be a pussy." Chosen said and hit the back of Dan's neck. Dan jumped up and accidentally elbowed Chosen in the balls. "AH FUCK!"

"Sorry! Just don't touch my neck, it feels weird." Dan said. Chosen was still holding his balls because he was in pain.

"You don't gotta punch the goods! Jesus! Ouch. It's probably like a g-spot or something." Chosen said.

"What's a g-spot?" Dan asked.


"Chosen Shut your trap. Don't tell Dan he's too pure." Phil said and Dan blushed a bit.

"Am not!" Dan said.

"Are too!" Phil said and which made Dan giggle. Every time Dan would show his dimples Phil couldn't help but smile. He was fucked.

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