Hit Me Again, I dare You

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This chapter was originally going to be Phil's birthday but then I realized that would make Dan older and ew no so Phil's birthday is now in January.


July Age 7

"I can't believe I'm going to have little sister.." Phil said, realization finally hitting him.

"Yeah but it'll be okay! You could like teach her to use the force!" Dan said.

"You can't teach someone Dan, you either have it, or you don't." Phil said.

"No you can teach someone."

"No you can't."

"Yes you can."





"Ugh Whatever!" Phil said giving up and Dan smirked.

"We have to teach her how to be cool and not rude like Pete." Dan said and Phil nodded.

"But how?" Phil asked.

"We could..make a list? Ask the others for help?" Dan suggested.

"Alright! Call them up!"

"So wait, let me get this straight. You guys want to train a baby how to be cool?" Chosen asked. Dan and Phil nodded.

"Guys that's the-"

"Best idea ever! Let's make that fuckin list!" Chosen said, interrupting Sophia, causing her to groan. They all sat down and got out paper and pen.

"We need to teach her the force!" Jaeden said.

"SEE! I told you, that you can teach the force!" Dan said proudly and Phil rolled his eyes.

"Oh hush lovers! Now let's see.."

"I like the list!" Pj said proudly.

"I like you.."Chris whispered.

"What..?" Pj asked, pretending not to hear it.

"Nothing!" Chris said quickly while blushing.

"Should we show your mom the list?" Jeremy asked and Phil nodded. They rushed Phil's room but stopped suddenly at the sight. Pete and Linda fighting.

"I WILL NOT LET THAT FREAK BE INFECTED!" Pete screamed with a beer bottle in his hand.

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY SON LIKE THAT! We don't even know if he's gay and even if he is I'll still love him!" Linda said. Pete screamed and raised his hand up.

"NO!" Phil screamed and ran in front of his mother, trying to protect her.

"Dammit boy move!" Pete screamed and threw Phil across the room, hitting on wall.

"Ow!" Phil said and started to cry.

"Don't do that to him!" Dan screamed. Suddenly Pete became aware of the group of kids in the kitchen.

"Oh so you're the fag huh?" Pete said and picked Dan up by the collar.

"S-Stop! Oo choking me!" Dan said gasping for air.

"Fucking speak normal!" Pete screamed and slapped him.

"Don't speak to him like that you fucking dick ward!" Chosen screamed and kicked him in the nutsack. The man grunted in pain and dropped to his knees. Dan fell to the ground, gasping for air. Linda was no where to be seen. Dan ignored his own breathing and grabbed Phil by the hand.

"C'mon we gotta go!" Dan said and all the boys started running out. Pete saw Wyatt and Jaeden holding hands so he picked up the broken beer bottle and stabbed it into Wyatt's cheek. Wyatt cried out in agony.

"WYATT! YOU FUCK HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" Jaeden screamed and kicked Pete in his sore balls. The kids hoped on the bike and biked to a junk yard. Once they all got there they threw their bikes and sat down.

"Wyatt are you okay?" Sophia asked. There was still chunks of the broken bottle in Wyatt's cheek, it was bleeding badly. Wyatt shook his head and Jaeden started crying.

"I'm sorry wy..I couldn't protect you and I'm so sorry..I have some bandaids so I'll try to fix you..It should've been me oh my god I'm so-"

"Hey don't say that. I'm glad it was me and not you.." Wyatt said. Jaeden shook his head and sat in Wyatt's lap. The pulled out the chunks of glass, cutting his fingers a bit. Thankfully the cut wasn't to deep so a bandaid worked fine.

"Phil are you okay?" Dan asked carefully.

"I don't know..My back hurts a bit.."Phil said sniffling a bit.

"Lift up your shirt." Dan said and Phil nodded. He took his shirt off and Dan examined the bruise on Phil's back.

"How bad is it..?" Phil asked slowly and carefully.

"It's..not that bad.." Dan said and Phil nodded. He put his shirt back on and laid down in Dan's arms.

"Phil do you go through that often?" Sophia asked and Phil shrugged.

"Okay well now that you have us, we shall not allow you to be there when you don't have to be. We'll be like..like Gandalf! I'll say 'you shall not pass!' To Pete. I'll slap the sick son of-"

"It's okay Chosen. As long as I have you guys, I'll be okay."

Well shit just got real. Also I already wrote Phil's birthday chapter whoops😂

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