Chapter 4

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Thank the lord it was the weekend! But sadly I have to work so I couldn't sleep in. I got out of bed and got ready for work. Once I walked out of the room, I walked into the kitchen and saw Darry making eggs.
"Hey Courtney. Want some eggs?" Darry asked "Yeah scrambled." I said as I sat down.
"Darry you seen my jeans?" Sodapop called from the bathroom.
"In my closet." Darry said.
"Thanks." Sodapop said as Darry placed a plate in front of me.
"Pony! Pony!" Darry called Ponyboy from outside.
"Yeah?" Pony asked
"You smoke more than a pack today I'll skin ya." Darry said half jokingly.
"Yeah and you try to carry more than one thing of lumber, Soda, Courtney and I will skin you." Pony said and just then the phone rang as I put my plate in the sink.
"Hello?" Darry answered.
"Yeah she's right here. Hold on?" Darry said handing me the phone as he fixed his shirt and Sodapop came out ready for work.
"Hello...oh hey Katie.....Are you sure? I don't mind working my usual shift. I hope that doesn't happen again but I can work my usual shift I swear. But Katie! How about I just work a short shift tonight? I'll just work 9-5 instead of 9-11. Thanks Katie! See ya soon!" I said and hung up and looked to see my brothers all looking at me confused.
"What was that about?" Ponyboy asked.
"Katie told the manager what happened yesterday with Daxtyn and he didn't want me to come in today but I persuaded Katie to let me come in for a short shift instead of a long one. So let's go! I don't want to be late!" I said and pushed my older brothers out the door.
"Alright. Alright!" Sodapop said.
We both got in Darry's truck and we were off. Darry dropped Sodapop off and then me.
"Hey. If something goes wrong with Daxtyn call me or Soda we'll come as fast as we can." Darry said
"Thanks I will." I said even though I had a feeling I would be fine. I can handle myself pretty well.
"Hey Katie." I said as I clocked in.
"Hey. Are you sure you want to work today? I mean with what happened with Daxtyn." Katie asked.
"I'll be fine. Like I said just at least let me work a short shift today." I said
"Okay if you say so." Katie said.
"I'll be fine, besides I want to see if I can make some more tips." I say.
"Why?" Katie asked curiously.
"Well ya know how my brothers and I don't have much?" I say as I grab my pad and pen.
Katie nodded to show she was listening.
"Yeah well I know he won't admit it but I can tell by my brother Darry's look on his face when he sees the bills that we're struggling a bit. I mean since our parents died he's had to take on the parent role for Sodapop, Pony and I and I just feel like I should help him out. I mean yeah Sodapop works too but I can see that Darry is still stressing out even though he'll never admit it." I say
"Well if there's anyway I can help just let me know." Katie said.
"Thanks but we've been doing fine on our own, I just want give back to my older brother ya know. I mean for raising us and not sticking Soda and Pony in some boys home and myself in some girls home." I said
"Sounds like he's a good brother." Katie said.
"All my brothers are." I say with a smile and take the first customer of the day as they walk in.
"Hi! How may I help you?" I say sweetly.
"A table for three please?" A man said pointing to his wife and son. I grab two adult menu's and a kids menu.
"Please follow me." I say and lead them to a booth.
"My name is Courtney and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you to drink?" I say with a smile.
"I'll have a glass of water with no lemon." The lady said
"I'll have a coffee. Black." The older guy said.
"And for you?" I asked the little boy sweetly.
"Chocolate milk!" He said excitedly and I laughed at his excitement he was adorable and I went to fetch their drinks.
Once I came back with their drinks. I set them down.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" I asked kindly.
"Can you please give us a few minutes." The lady said.
"Of course." I said and went to serve another table. Luckily Daxtyn didn't show up yet nor did any socs'. After I served the other table I then went back to the previous one I was serving.
"Ready to order?" I asked taking out my pad.
"Yes I'll have the two egg special." The guy said.
"How would you like your eggs?" I asked
"Scrambled." The guy said
"And would you like bacon or sausage with that?" I asked
"Sausage." The guy said and put his menu down.
"I'll have three eggs sunny side up with bacon and wheat toast." The lady said.
"And for you?" I asked the little boy.
"Chocolate chip pancakes!" The boys said. It was rare that we got little kids here especially since a lot of greasers and socs' come here.
"You got it. Food should be out shortly." I said and took their menu's and brought their order to the cook and served a few more tables. Once food was rung I went back to that table with their food.
"Here you go. Can I get you anything else?" I asked
"Yes I'll have a refill on my water, he'll have a refill on his chocolate milk and my husband would like a glass of water." The lady said.
"Of course." I said and took their cups to get them refilled and came back with them. I then served a few more tables and that was how my day pretty much went. That first table made my day though. They were so kind and they even left me a $10 tip which was more than generous. I served quite a few more tables and had a pretty good day thankfully. That was probably because I wasn't working until 11pm.
Before I knew it though the day was over and I had made 115 in tips.
"Well I'll see ya later." I said as I clocked out.
"Oh wait here's your pay. Bye Courtney. See ya Monday." Katie said as I grabbed my pay and I walked out of the restaurant. I then started my walk home. Just then I heard a sound I turned and saw a mustang. I hurried and ran home as fast I could. I was only a few feet away from my house when a mustang stopped and about 4 Soc's got out.
"Well if it ain't a greaser girl." A guy with black hair said. I could tell he was drunk by the look in his eyes.
"Leave me alone." I said trying to walk past them but they grabbed me and pushed me down.
"Come on baby we just want to have a little fun with ya." Another guy said and pushed me to the ground.
"Darry! Sodapop! Pony!" I screamed and a guy slapped me causing me to scream.
"Shut up!" The guy yelled and pulled out a blade and started to cut my uniform but I struggled and he slapped me again. Just then I felt the weight thrown off of me. I looked to see Sodapop beside me and Steve, Darry and Ponyboy chasing the Soc's off. Darry and Pony then ran over to me.
"Are you alright?" Darry asked
"Y-yeah I'm fine." I said a little shaken up. They could have raped me if my brothers hadn't shown up.
Sodapop then noticed my torn uniform.
"They pull a blade on ya?" Sodapop asked and I just nodded.
"Come on let's get you inside." Darry said as Ponyboy helped me up.
"You should have been carrying a blade on ya." Darry said as we walked into the house.
"Oh yeah, real good that would have done." Sodapop said.
"If I want my kid brother to tell me what to do with my kid sister I'll ask." Darry said.
"I'm gonna go shower and change." I said and and headed to my room that I shared with my twin and younger brother and got some clothes. I put some money in my envelope and some in the one for Darry. I kept $40 and put the $75 in the envelope for Darry which I would give him after my shower. I then put the envelope back in the drawer and headed to the bathroom to shower.
Once I was done showering and getting changed I came out to see Darry making dinner and Pony reading a book and Sodapop watching Mickey Mouse.
"Hey Darry need help?" I asked.
"Nah just watch tv with Sodapop or something." Darry said and continued dinner. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the envelope for Darry who was just setting dinner on the table.
"Dinner!" Darry yelled and Sodapop and Pony came running at the mention of food.
"Come on Courtney better sit down if you want any." Sodapop said with a laugh. Always the Jokester.
"Easy little man." Darry said.
We then started eating. We all ate in silence until I decided to speak up.
"Um Darry?" I said
"Yeah what is it?" Daddy asked looking at me.
"Here." I said and passed the envelope I had in my back pocket towards him. Sodapop and Ponyboy both looking curiously at what I had given Darry.
"What is it Darry?" Sodapop asked.
"Yeah don't leave us in suspense." Pony said.
"Whoa!" I heard Pony and Soda say at the same time.
"What's this?" Darry asked.
"It's for you. I've been putting some money aside from what I've been making in tips at the diner." I said
"I can't take this." Darry said.
"Why not Darry!" Sodapop exclaimed!
"Because this is Courtney's money she earned it." Darry said to Sodapop.
"Take it please. Besides I already have some put aside for me." I said
"Are you sure about this?" Darry asked.
"Yes I want to help. I figured that would at least cover some of the bills." I said with a slight smile.
"How much is here?" Darry asked
"$325." And all my brothers eyes widen.
"Damn sis you must be really good at waitressing." Sodapop said
"How did you make that much money by waitressing?" Ponyboy asked.
"My tips. I've been putting them aside." I say
"Well thank you. You didn't have to do this." Darry said.
"I know. I want to help you out. I mean Darry you do so much for Pony, Soda and I. You shouldn't have to be the only one to worry about the bills and stuff. Just keep the money and I'll continue to bring as many tips home as I can to help out." I said and I swore I saw a tear leave Darry's eye but he would never admit to it.
"Thanks sis. You didn't have to do that but I really appreciate it." Darry said and gave me a side hug.
"I wanted to." I say with a smile and continue to eat dinner with my brothers.
With that we continued to eat our dinner and laugh as if there was nothing to worry about.

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