Chapter 36

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It's been a week since I've seen Daxtyn and since I've met Bexley. I will admit she sure is something. She's not afraid to speak her mind and is a very protective person.
Today I had off of work thankfully. I honestly don't think I could deal with a lot of people. I got up and changed into some old jeans and a white shirt with a blue flannel over it, brushed my teeth and hair and headed out into the living room to see my brothers and just Two-bit, Johnny and Athena.
"Hey sis. Mind telling us what last week was about?" Sodapop asked.
"I really don't want to talk about it Soda." I said with a sigh.
"Aw come on!" Sodapop said.
"Soda leave it alone." Darry said and I gave him a small smile as a thank you. Just then the phone rang and Darry answered it.
"Hello?" Darry answered.
"Yeah she's right here. Hold on." Darry said and gave me the phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Courtney it's Katie. Can I meet you somewhere we need to talk." Katie said
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Where can I meet you?" Katie asked
"My house." I said and then gave her my address and hung up.
"What did Katie want?" Darry asked.
"She needs to talk to me about something so I invited her over." I said
"Okay." Darry said.
I went into the kitchen to make something to eat and about 20 minutes later I heard Darry say Katie was here.
"Hey Katie." I said with a smile.
"Hi." Katie said and looked at my brother Darry with a blush. Looks like someone has a crush on my brother.
"Darry this is Katie, she works with me at the diner." I said introducing the two.
"Nice to meet you." Darry said with a smile at Katie.
"You've already met Ponyboy and that's my twin brother Sodapop and his friend Steve." I said
"Nice to meet you." Katie said
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked Katie who couldn't stop staring at Darry.
"Oh right can we go outside or something to talk." Katie asked.
"Yeah." I said and followed Katie outside and I hoped my brothers wouldn't eavesdrop on our conversation.
"So you're probably wondering why I'm here?" Katie said.
"Well yeah sort of." I said with a laugh.
"Aaron told me to come see you. He has seen that you have been zoning out a lot at work and he said if you don't start concentrating on work then he's going to have to let you go." Katie said.
"He can't let me go! I'm sorry I've been zoning out at work, but my brothers and I really need the money." I said worriedly.
"I know that Courtney but you haven't been yourself lately at work! What's going on?!" Katie yelled.
"Some greasers forced me into a car a few days ago and forced me to go see Daxtyn. Daxtyn threatened to take my kid away if I didn't let him see them when I get out." I said and started crying.
"Oh Courtney." Katie said and side hugged me.
"My brothers don't know. Please don't say anything Katie." I said.
"Too late." Katie said and gestures towards the door. I looked over and saw Sodapop followed my Darry and Pony.
"Why wouldn't you tell us?! We're your family! We have a right to know this stuff!" Sodapop yelled.
"Please Soda I was going to tell you guys but-" I said but Soda cut me off.
"But what?! I thought you weren't gonna keep anymore secrets!" Sodapop said angrily.
"Courtney you should have told us. Soda calm down. I'm sure she had a reason she didn't tell us." Darry said trying to reason with Sodapop.
"Courtney I agree with Soda you should of told us! We're all each other has left since mom and dad died." Ponyboy said.
"I'm sorry I just-I just didn't know how to tell you." I said.
"We understand right Soda? Right Pony?" Darry said looking at Pony and Soda.
"I guess." They both mumbled but I wasn't convinced.
I stood up in anger with tears in my eyes.
"You don't get it! You don't know how hard it was for me to even tell you! It's not that I didn't want to tell you it's that I couldn't! Are you happy now?!" I yelled and ran off with my brothers and Katie calling my name. I didn't know where I was going, but I just needed to get away.

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