Chapter 14

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Courtney's POV
Once we walked into the police station I felt my breathing becoming heavy. I was having an anxiety attack. I don't think I could do this. Soda noticed that I stopped walking while Darry and Pony were ahead of us.
"Hey Minnie Mouse. What's wrong?" Sodapop said calling me by my nick name.
"I-I don't think I can do this Soda." I said nervously.
"It's gonna be okay. You can do this." Sodapop said trying to reassure me.
"No I can't." I said and felt tears in my eyes.
"Hey. Darry, Pony and I will be there with you the whole time. You can do this. Please do this for me. For us. For you. Darry, Pony and I miss seeing you happy." Sodapop said with tears in his own eyes.
I then hugged Soda and we ran to catch up with Darry and Ponyboy.
"What took you guys so long?" Ponyboy asked.
"Courtney here needed a little reassurance about doing this. Don't worry I took care of it." Sodapop said and we walked into the squad room where Mr. Johnson met us.
"Right this way." Mr. Johnson said and led us to a room where 8 guys were lined up. None of them looked familiar except for....Daxtyn? What was he doing here? I thought.
"Do you recognize anyone Courtney?" Mr. Johnson said.
"No....can you have them roll up their sleeves?" I asked
"Roll up your sleeves." Mr. Johnson said into a mic that was hook up to the other room.
"Take your time dear." Darry said putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly and I looked to see all the guys had the snake tattoo. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had to remember something. I then remembered the cold angry eyes. It was dark but I remember seeing eyes with so much anger before I blacked out. I also then remembered what Daxtyn said to me in the hospital and how he had a smirk on his face.
"Courtney? Do you see him?" Mr. Johnson asked.
"Number 4." I said.
"Are you sure?" Mr. Johnson said.
"You calling my sister a liar?!" Ponyboy yelled.
"No not at all just making sure that she is sure." Mr. Johnson said.
"I'm sure. Can I go home now?" I asked just wanting to go home.
"Yeah." Mr. Johnson said and we walked out to the squad room. As soon as we were in the squad room I saw Daxtyn.
"I'll get you for this Courtney! You know you can't get rid of me! See you at trial baby girl!" Daxtyn yelled.
"You bastard! I'm gonna kill you!" Soda said about to run at Daxtyn but Darry stopped him.
"Besides it's not like you didn't enjoy it!" Daxtyn yelled which made Ponyboy about to run at him but I held him back. They then took Daxtyn away and I released Ponyboy and Darry released Soda and we walked away.
"I hope they put that bastard away for life!" Sodapop said.
"He deserves to rot!" Ponyboy said agreeing with Soda.
Once we got in the truck I just looked out the window as Darry drives us home. Once we were inside I sat on the couch as Darry went to make dinner.
"You gonna be okay?" Ponyboy asked.
"Yeah." I said and laid down with my head in Soda's lap as he ran his hands through my hair and I fell asleep. I hoped Daxtyn would go away for a long time.

(What should happen next?)

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