Chapter 43

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Once the girls came over and joined the guys they started to chat away. I honestly didn't want them to follow me home. After that fight with Katie I just wanted to rest a bit and spend some time with my kids, but I can see that wasn't going to happen. I grabbed my jacket and started to head out.
"Where are you going? It's late." Darry said with his arms crossed.
"I-I need some alone time. Just for a bit." I said nervously.
"Courtney." Athena said concerned quietly but I heard her.
"Stay out of this Athena!" I yelled at her causing her to look at me in shock.
"Sis what the hell? You never snap like that. What's going on?" Soda asked.
"Just leave me alone and don't any of you dare follow me!" I yelled in anger with tears forming in my eyes and ran off.

Soda's POV
What's gotten in to Courtney? She's hasn't been herself lately. She's been upset more than usual.
"What was that about?" Ponyboy asked as if reading our minds.
"Hate to say it but I think your sister has finally lost her head." Two-but said and laughed.
"Not funny Two-bit." Darry said sternly.
"Just let her go, she'll come back if she wants." Dally said smoking his cigarette.
"Not funny Dal." I said.
"I'm sure she'll be fine Soda." Pony said.
"I'm gonna go look for her." I said and ran outside to try and find my sister, not caring if the others followed me or not.
"Soda! Wait up!" I looked back to see Johnny and Pony.
"We're gonna help you look for her. Darry said he'll stay at the house in case she comes back and beside he don't trust the guys alone with the twins even if the girls are there." Pony said. I would have laughed at the comment but right now wasn't the time. I had to find my sister and make sure she was okay.

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