Chapter 47

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Ponyboy POV
Darry and Soda have been stressing a lot since Courtney has gone missing. But it seems Soda was taking it the worse. I can see why, with them being twins. He's been crying himself to sleep ever night. They were thick as thieves those two. I remember when we were younger if either one of them got in trouble the other always took the blame.

Darry, soda, Courtney and I were playing football outside of the house. The score was 4-0. First team to get to 5 won. Darry threw the ball and Soda caught it. Courtney ran at Soda tackling him and took the ball she went to throw it through her goal but it slipped through her hands and hit the window.
"Uh oh." Courtney said.
"Boys!" I could hear dad yell.
"This isn't good!" Courtney said and started crying.
"Hey sis it's okay." Soda said trying to calm our sister down.
We saw dad come out of the house in a huff.
"What did I tell you about playing football so close to the house?"
"Sorry dad. It won't happen again." Darry sticking up for us.
"See that it doesn't. Now who broke the window."
Courtney was about to speak up but Soda beat her to it.
"I did it dad." Soda said.
"I'm surprised at you Soda. But what can I expect when I have a son with as much energy as you."
"Sorry dad."
"Very well. I'll have to see how much this window fix is going to cost me." Our dad sighed.
"No Mickey Mouse show for 4 days Soda." Dad said and began to walk away.
"Aw but dad!" Soda whined
"Do you want to make it a week?" Dad asked but Soda remained quiet.
"I thought so." Dad said and walked away.
"Sorry Soda. I know how much you like Mickey Mouse." Courtney said sadly.
"It's okay baby girl." Soda said with his famous grin.
"Why do you guys call me that? I'm only a few minutes younger than you Soda!"
"Because your the only sister which makes you baby girl!" Soda said.
"You're a doofus." Darry said "what soda means is because your our only sister which makes you baby girl."
"Oh thanks for clearing that up Darry." Courtney said.
"We should get inside before dad starts yelling again." I said and we walked inside.
End Flashback

Still Ponyboy's POV
Since then Courtney has always been one to stick up for us even if she had her shy, sensitive moments. Maybe that's why her and Soda were so alike, they both had a sensitive soul. I pray that my sister is alright and we'll find her soon. I just hope we can take care of her children until we find her. Man this is going to be fun, I thought sarcastically. Please be alright Courtney. Stay strong for Darry, Soda, myself and the gang. We need you.

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