Chapter 29

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This is just a filler chapter.

Sodapop's POV
"Don't leave me in suspense?! What is our sister having?!" I said as soon as the doctor closed the door wanting to know if I was getting a niece or nephew.
"Sodapop calm down." Ponyboy said and I playfully flared at him.
"Don't tell me to calm down." I said and looked back the doctor.
"Your sister is going to have a little boy." Doctor Martinez said with a smile.
"Yes!" Ponyboy and I yelled at the same time.
"By your reaction I'm guessing you are happy." Doctor Martinez said.
"I'm more than happy I'm excited!" I said loudly.
"Yeah I am too." Ponyboy said a little calmer than I did.
"Would you like a picture of the baby?" Doctor Martinez asked.
"Yes please." Ponyboy said and Doctor Martinez printed a few sonograms for us.
"Thank you." I said with a smile.
"No problem. I'll see your sister for her next appointment in a few weeks." Doctor Martinez said and I nodded and left the room with Ponyboy with the pictures in an envelop.
"So did you find out what I'm having?" Courtney asked.
"Yup! Are you sure you don't want to know sis?" I teased thinking maybe she would give in, but I had a feeling she wouldn't.
"No. I just want the baby to be healthy. I have another appointment in 4 weeks." Courtney said and Pony and I just nodded and we left the hospital.
Once we were home safely we headed inside and Courtney headed to our room to take a nap while I showed Darry what our sister was having.
"So what's our sister having?" Darry asked.
"She's having a boy." I whispered not wanting Courtney to hear.
"Why are we whispering?" Darry asked confused.
"Courtney doesn't want to know what she's having." Ponyboy said before I could speak.
"Ah I see, well looks like our poor little sister is going to be surrounded by yet another boy." Darry said with a chuckle and Ponyboy and I laughed. Oh our poor sister. I thought humorously. Darry, Ponyboy and I then sat down and discussed the baby that night trying to figure out how everything would work.

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