Chapter 5

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Darry's POV
I couldn't sleep tonight. After Courtney had given me that money to help out I didn't know what to think. I mean yeah I appreciate the help but I'm supposed to be the older brother. I'm supposed to be the one taking care of the bills and my siblings. I sighed. I looked over at the desk and my room and saw the envelope full of money Courtney had given me. She sure is something. She always puts others before herself. I put the envelope back on the desk and went to bed that night proud of my sister for being so selfless.

Courtney's POV
The next morning I took my time getting up. I didn't have to work today seeing as it was Sunday. I wanted to just lay in my pajamas all day but I doubt Darry would let me do that. I came out of the room I shared with my twin and younger brother with a yawn.
"Well if it ain't sleeping beauty." I heard Two-Bit say
"Lay off Two-bit I'm too tired to deal with you right now." I say have some cereal and then put my bowl in the sink and go brush my teeth and hair but stay in my pajamas. I come back out and sit on the couch.
"Don't want to get dolled up for the day?" Two-bit asked
"No I just want to stay in my pajamas." I say.
"That's not happening little lady." I heard my older brother Darry say as he walked into the kitchen.
"But Darry!" I whined
"I said no. You need to get out of the house." Darry said
"I already get out enough with work and school." I say with a whine.
"Just go out for an hour it doesn't have to be long." Darry said.
"Fine." I say annoyed with a sigh and get up and head to Sodapop, Ponyboy and I's room. I walked in completely ignoring Sodapop who was getting changed and grabbed some clothes and changed in the bathroom. I came out in some jean shorts, converse, a white t shirt with and old plaid shirt of Soda's over it.
"Hey that's my shirt!" Sodapop said as he came into the kitchen.
"Well it's my shirt now." I said and stuck my tongue at him and he tackled me to the ground in a play wrestle.
"Hey knock it off you two!" Darry said and we seperated.
"Hey Soda!" Steve said coming into the house and went right to the fridge for some cake.
"Listen Courtney," Darry said coming over to me.
"Yeah?" I asked
"About the money you gave me last night. You really didn't have to I mean Soda and I have jobs to worry about the bills. There's no reason you should have to worry about it too." Darry said.
"Darry don't worry about it. Like I said I want to help." I said and hugged Darry which caught him off guard and we didn't see Pony come into the room.
"What I miss?" Pony asked
"Nothing. Seriously Darry keep the money for the bills I have some saved up for me. You're my older brother and I want to help you out." I say with a smile.
"Alright. Come on you two let's go." Darry said to Steve and Sodapop who followed him out the door.
"What was that about?" Two-Bit asked.
"Courtney gave Darry like $300 bucks last night for the bills." Ponyboy said
"Geez how did you come up with that money?" Two-Bit asked
"Tips from waitressing." I say and go to my room and grab some money for a blade. I knew Darry wouldn't like me having one but Soda said I could get one. I then come out and put the money in my pocket.
"I'll see ya." I said as I was going to head out the door.
"Where ya going?" Ponyboy asked.
"I've got an errand to run." I say.
"You shouldn't walk alone. Darry will be mad." Ponyboy said.
"Darry won't find out if you don't tell him. I'll be home later." I say and headed out of the house two walk towards town to see if I could find a nice blade. I search about two shops but couldn't find anything until I came to a third shop and saw this nice blade with a wolf on the handle. It was 40 bucks but it was totally worth it. I bought it and stuffed it in my pocket and walked to the dx station to visit Soda.

"Hey Soda." I said as I walked into the DX.
"Well this is a surprise. You barley ever visit me at work." Sodapop said.
"Well that's because I'm usually working or have lots of school work but I wanted to talk you." I said
"Uh sure. Steve hold down the fort for a sec." Sodapop said before Steve could say anything and walked outside with me and away from the DX a bit.
"What's up?" Sodapop said
"I did you what you said." I said which made Sodapop confused.
"Did what?" Sodapop asked.
"I got a blade. I doubt I'll ever use it but I have one." I say.
"Just don't let Darry find out. He'll skin me if he finds out I told you to get a blade." Sodapop said.
"Well here's what it looks like." I say taking it out and showing him.
"Whoa! That's nice. How much did it cost?" Sodapop asked.
"$40 bucks." I said
"$40 bucks?! You're crazy." Sodapop said.
"What can I say I'm your twin sister." I say with a laugh.
"True." Soda said laughing.
"Anyway. I got to get back to work." Sodapop said.
"Bye!" I said and gave him a hug and skipped away from the DX station and decided to head home. I just hoped I didn't run into any Socs'.

(Courtney's blade. Just pretend the blade is a little bit longer)

 Just pretend the blade is a little bit longer)

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