Chapter 3

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Another typical school day. I honestly was just ready to be done with school. I would much rather be outside then in this building. I was walking to lunch when I bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going." The guy said rudely.
"Sorry." I said and the person stopped me by grabbing my wrist.
"Hey baby." I heard the guy say.
I looked up and saw Daxtyn, which was rare since he barely ever came to school. He normally skipped with his buddies.
"D-Daxtyn. Please let go." I said.
"What? A guy can't walk his girl to lunch." Daxtyn said.
"Daxtyn I'm not you're girl! I-I told you we are done!" I said and pulled my wrist out of his grip. That was gonna leave a bruise later. I started to walk away but he pulled me back.
"You don't walk away from me!" Daxtyn said angrily. I slapped him and ran off to the cafeteria. I found a seat and sat down and ate.
"What happened to you?" I looked up and saw Ponyboy.
"I don't want to talk about it." I said as I ate my lunch with Ponyboy.
After lunch I headed to my last few classes while luckily avoiding Daxtyn. I then went to my locker and put my books away. Luckily I didn't have much homework just an English assignment. I then headed to the bathroom and change into my dreaded waitress outfit and headed to work.
"Hey baby." I heard someone say just as I was walking into the diner.
"Daxtyn please don't make trouble for me at work. I need this job." I said before I went into the diner.
Daxtyn then gripped my wrist tightly making me wince and slapped me.
"That's for slapping me. I won't cause trouble as long as you get some food for me and not your waitress friend." He says releasing my wrist.
I sighed and clocked in and then took my first order of the day. Daxtyn.
"What can I get you?" I said
"I'll have a chocolate shake, a burger with fries, but hold the onion." Daxtyn said and I rung his order up and went to take other orders while I waited for Daxtyn's food. Once it was up I went back to the dreaded table and sat his food down.
"Enjoy." I said
"I'd enjoy it better if you sat with me." Daxtyn said.
"Can't. I have to work." I say and ran off to do other tables. I didn't even take a break this time just because I was worried about Daxtyn. Why did he have to come here. The day could not go by quick enough. I collected my tips and paycheck.
"Katie?" I said
"Yeah?" Katie said
"Can I go out the back? My ex is out there and he's been bothering me all day." I said.
"I didn't say anything earlier, but is that where those bruises are from?" Katie asked concerned. She was like my mom at the diner.
"Yeah." I said
"Let me just get my coat and I'll walk out with you." Katie said
"You don't have to do that." I said
"I don't have to, but I want to." Katie said and grabbed her coat and we went out the back door and headed to the front where my brother's car was.
"Thanks Katie." I said
"No problem." Katie said
"Who was that?" Darry asked as I got in the car.
"Katie. She works with me." I said
"Okay. Was everything okay? You normally just come out yourself." Darry said
"I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to go home." I said. Luckily Darry couldn't see my bruises in the dark.
Once we were home I followed Darry inside and Soda was the first to notice my face and wrists.
"What happened to you sis? Get in a fight?" Sodapop asked as Ponyboy walked in the room and Darry turned around.
"It's nothing." I said
"That sure doesn't look like nothing." Darry said.
"I really don't want to talk about it." I said and went to my room that I shared with Pony and Sodapop to change into my pajamas. Once I came back out I grabbed a bowl and some cereal.
"Come on Courtney tell us what happened?" Sodapop asked concerned as I ate my cereal.
"You wouldn't tell me at school. So tell us now." Ponyboy said concerned.
I got up and put my bowl in the sink and could feel the tears in my eyes start not just from sadness but from anger and frustration.
"Fine! You want to know! You want to know what happened!" I yelled as I turned around with tears in my eyes and faced my brothers who were all looking at me concerned even Darry which rarely ever happens.
"I ran into Daxtyn today. There I said it. All these bruises are from my ex-boyfriend! Ya happy?" I yelled and ran to my room in tears.

I laid on my bed in tears and counted the money I earned hoping it would make me feel better but it didn't. I got paid every two weeks and made about 85 on my paycheck this week but made about 120 in tips which I was happy with. I did get generous people thankfully. I put aside 100 bucks in the envelope in a drawer next to me labeled Darry. I have been adding some of my tips and pay into that envelope for about a month now. All in all there's about 250 in that envelope. I would give him that envelope tomorrow. I mean he does so much for all of us I figure its the least I can do. I put the money away and lay on my bed and cry. I then hear a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" Sodapop asked.
"It's your room too." I say as I wipe my tears.
"Courtney why didn't you tell us about Daxtyn? We would of protected ya." Sodapop said.
"You guys nearly killed him last time when you found out what he was doing." I said
"Damn right we did. Nobody hits our little sister." Sodapop said
I laughed at Sodapop. "I'm only 10 minutes younger than you." I said
"So you're still considered my little sister." Sodapop said
"Yeah, yeah." I said
"Why didn't you tell us? How is he out of jail? I thought we got him thrown in jail after we caught him hitting you." Sodapop said
"I guess good behavior. I don't know. I had to have my co-worker Katie take me out the back of the restaurant to the car because he was at the diner the entire day." I say.
"Well I hate to say it especially to you and Darry will probably kill me if he hears me saying this but carry a blade with you." Sodapop said. I pretend to have a shocked look on my face.
"Did thee Sodapop Curtis just tell me to carry a blade?" I say active surprised.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I just don't want you getting hurt by him again." Sodapop said.
"Ill probably get one this weekend." I said and yawned.
"Get some sleep." Sodapop said and I dozed off after a long day.

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