Chapter 15

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Courtney's POV
It's been a week since I identified Daxtyn as my attacker and since I was in the hospital. I was glad that tomorrow was Saturday, but unfortunately on Sunday I have to go to court for the case against Daxtyn and I'm super nervous. I mean what if they barely give him any time? What if they find him innocent? I thought to myself and but my lip. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name.
"Courtney? Courtney, hey!" I looked up to see Sodapop.
"Yeah?" I asked curious to see what he wanted.
"You alright? You were zoning out." Sodapop said.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna head to the diner I work at. I need to talk to Katie or Aaron about work." I said.
"Who's Aaron?" Ponyboy asked coming into the room shortly followed by Darry.
"Probably her other boyfriend." Two-bit said being a wise ass. I went over to Two-bit and slapped him upside the head.
"In case you must know Aaron is my boss from the diner. I need to see him about working." I said.
"Courtney. I really don't think you should be working after what happened." Darry said.
"I agree with your brother. You should just stay home and bake or whatever." Dally said.
"No thanks, come on Darry. It was one time besides we need the money." I said.
"Soda and I can do just fine being the only ones working." Darry said.
"Come on you and I both know that is completely false." I said.
Darry sighed.
"Come on Darry just let her work I mean she likes it." Sodapop said trying to defend me.
"I don't know." Darry said unsure.
"Please Darry. I hate being in the house all day." I said frustrated.
"Fine you can still work at the diner on three conditions." Darry said.
"Name it!" I said wanting to get back to working to help my brothers.
"One you don't let your grades slip. If they begin to slip no more job." Darry said.
"I understand." I said.
"Two you start only when your cast comes off." Darry said.
"Fine." I say with a sigh.
"And three I don't want you working a super late shift any more. No more late night shifts." Darry said.
"Fine, but if I have to work that shift I promise I'll call." I said.
"You better or no more job. Well I got to go to work." Darry said and was about to walk out the door but I stopped him and hugged him.
"Thanks Darry." I said and then let him go and he smiled slightly and left with Soda and Steve. "Well I'm gonna head to the diner." I said.
"I'll go with you." Ponyboy said.
"Pony you don't have to." I said.
"I know I don't besides, I want to see where you work." Ponyboy said.
"Me too." Johnny said.
Next thing I knew Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, and Two-bit were following me to see where I worked. I hoped they wouldn't get me in trouble.
"Behave yourselves." I said as we walked into the diner.
"How can I help you?" I heard Katie say but as soon as she saw me she ran over and hugged me.
"Courtney! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! You had me worried!" Katie said and and her eyes saddened when she saw my broken wrist and a few bruises.
"I'm fine. Oh how rude of me. Guys, this is Katie. She's basically my mom at the diner. Katie this is my younger brother Ponyboy, and my friends Johnny, Dallas and Two-Bit." I said.
"Nice to meet you all. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you would be home resting?." Katie asked.
"I came to see about working again. I mean my older brother Darry said I can't work until my cast comes off but I just wanted to see what my schedule is like." I said.
"I'll grab Aaron and see. Why don't you guys sit and I'll bring you some drinks and menu's when I come back." Katie said and I was about to protest but the guys say right down at a booth. I sighed. Boys. I thought as Katie came back with Aaron.
"Courtney dear! Glad you are alright." Aaron said with a smile.
"Yeah like I told Katie I'm fine. Katie you better serve my brother and my friends before they raid the kitchen." I said jokingly and she nodded and went over to the booth they were at and I looked back at Aaron.
"So Katie said you wanted to see me?" Aaron said.
"Yes I wanted to talk about my schedule, that is if I still have a job here." I said biting my lip nervously.
"Of course! You and Katie are my best waitresses after all." Aaron said.
"Well I was wondering about my schedule. My older brother doesn't want me working the 9am to 11pm anymore, you know ever since I was attacked. Also he said I can't start working until my arm is healed which will probably be another week." I said.
"That's fine. How about you work 3:30-7:30pm Monday through Friday and when school lets out then we can talk hours for the summer and you can work 9-3 Saturday's . If we are ever extremely busy you can work 9am to 8pm on Saturdays." Aaron said.
"That would be fantastic! Thank you Aaron!" I said happily.
"No problem." Aaron said.
"Also could I get a new uniform please. Mine was destroyed that night." I said sadly biting my lip.
"Of course. I will be right back." Aaron said and came back with a uniform.
"Thanks. I'll see you in hopefully a week." I said and Aaron nodded and went to the back and I walked over to my brother and the gang.
"Are they giving you any trouble Katie?" I asked as I walked over where the gang sat and sat next to Ponyboy.
"No not at all. You want anything Courtney?" Katie asked.
"My usual, veggie wrap, no onions and some onion rings." I said.
"And to drink?" Katie asked
"Strawberry shake." I said and Katie nodded and came back a few minutes later with my order.
After we ate we all headed home, but not before I gave Katie a hug goodbye.
"Nice place. That might be my new hangout." Dally said with a smirk.
"Don't you dare cause any trouble where I work." I said with a glare and Dally put his hands up in defense
"Alright. Alright." Dally said and we all walked into the Curtis house. I put my uniform away and grabbed my favorite book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and sat on the couch to read until I eventually fell asleep on the couch unaware that Sodapop or Darry came home.

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