Chapter 40

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Courtney's POV
I woke up with a stir and adjusted my eyes to the light as I looked around and saw my brothers and the gang.
"Courtney?! Are you alright?! What were you thinking running out like that?!" Sodapop said worriedly.
"I'm sorry. I-I just needed to get out of the house." I said.
"Well you getting out of the house nearly got you killed!" Ponyboy yelled shocking me and the rest of the gang.
"Ponyboy calm down." Darry said putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Don't tell me to calm down. We nearly lost our sister like mom and dad!" Ponyboy yelled and it just got silent. He was right. I should have been more careful. Why does trouble alway seem to find me?
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a burden." I say and start crying. I then felt someone hug me I looked up to see Athena.
"That's not true Courtney. Your brothers love you, I love you, hell the whole gang loves you." Athena said and kissed the side of my head lovingly.
"She's right little sis. Trouble may always somehow find you but Sodapop, Ponyboy and I wouldn't trade you for anything." Darry said sitting by me and hugged me.
"We need you Courtney. You're easy to talk to and I can go to Ponyboy or you about anything." Johnny said.
"You're tuff and adventurous and don't take crap from anyone." Dally said.
"You're my Mickey buddy!" Two-bit said and hugged me.
"You're my best friend who I just reconnected with and I can't lose you." Athena said with tears forming.
"You're alright for Soda's twin." Steve said.
"Thanks guys." I said with a slight smile and noticed I didn't have my pregnant belly anymore.
"Wait. I thought I was pregnant?" I said confused.
"Courtney." Darry said sadly.
"What?! What is it Darry!" I said scared.
"They has to get them out of you kid. They would have died if they didn't." Steve said.
"What do you mean? What's he taking about Darry?!" I said scared.
"You had to have an emergency C-section and they had to do a blood transfusion. They're in the NICU right now." Darry said.
"What do you mean they?" I asked confused.
"You had twins sis. A boy and a girl." Sodapop said.
"Like us." I said looking at Sodapop with a slight smile.
"Just like us." Sodapop said.
"I see no one likes to listen to the doctor seeing as your all here." The doctor said walking in.
"How's my children?" I asked nervously.
"Small but hanging in there. They will have to stay at the hospital for awhile until they are ready to go home." The doctor said and I started bawling my eyes out and let out a frustrated scream. All three of my brothers engulfed me in a hug to calm me down.
"I'm sorry. You can go home tomorrow." The doctor said.
"I-I want to see them." I said.
"I highly recommend that you don't yet because they are tiny and weak." The doctor said.
"I want to see my children god damn it!" I yelled.
"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. Immediate family only he said looking at my brothers and I. I then looked at the gang and they nodded understandingly, even Dally. The doctor had me put in a wheel chair and Darry rolled me down the NICU with the doctor leading the way.
"Those are your twins." The doctor said pointing them out. "I'll leave you be." The doctor said and left. I stood up and put my hands on the glass with Darry supporting my weight.
"They're so small." Ponyboy said.
"I could probably fit them in my hand." I said with tears.
"Sis it'll be okay." Sodapop said.
"No it won't. I'm a terrible mother. I couldn't even protect them for nine months. They're only 22 weeks! They wouldn't have all these problems and be fighting for their life if I had just avoided those socs!" I yelled in tears ready to collapse but Darry caught me.
"I'm a terrible mother." I said and just cried.
"You're not Courtney. You are the sweetest, funniest, most compassionate person there is so don't say you're a bad mom when you barely began to raise them." Ponyboy said.
"Pony's right. They'll get through this." Sodapop said.
"They're Curtis'. They can get through anything." Darry said.
"I guess you're right." I said.
"So what's the name of our new niece and nephew?" Sodapop asked excitedly any tears from his face gone.
"The girls name is Zaylee Rose Curtis and the boys name is Pepsi Darrel Curtis." I said with a smile.
Pepsi Darrel Curtis
Born February 11, 1966
1lb 5 oz

Zaylee Rose Curtis
Born on February 11, 1966
1lb 3 oz
"Really sis?" Darry asked.
"I figured it's only natural that Pepsi have you and dad's name as his middle name." I said with a smile.
"Well they're definitely unique just like dad was." Sodapop said with a laugh.
"I second that." Ponyboy said.
"I'll always promise to protect you two." I said through the glass praying I could take my babies home soon.

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