Chapter 52

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I was finally out of the hospital and had gone back to work. Bexley and I have been dating for about a month now. She is a good girlfriend, but I'm still afraid to tell my brothers and the gang so, we haven't really done anything in front of them.
I had just got off my shift at the diner, when I saw Bexley outside waiting for me.
"Hey babe." Bexley said and kissed me. She then placed her arm around my shoulder.
"Hey." I said with a sigh.
"Everything okay?" Bexley asked concerned.
"Yeah it's just I didn't make much in tips today, that's all." I said.
"Sorry babe. I'm sure it'll be better next time." Bexley said.
"I doubt it. I hate working there, but I need to help Soda and Darry with the bills." I said as we walked.
"You shouldn't have to worry about that." Bexley said.
"I know, but with mom and dad gone Darry needs all the help he can get." I said.
"But still." Bexley said.
"Can we please just drop it." I said
"Yeah, I'm sorry." Bexley said.
We then stopped talking for a bit, I saw my house and honestly couldn't wait to get home. Before we were by the front door I kissed Bexley.
"I'll see you later." I said and ran towards the front door.
"Don't you want me to come in? I can help you with the twins." Bexley said.
"Really it's fine. I've had a long day. I'll talk to you later." I said kissed her once more.
"Babe I-" Bexley said but I cut her off.
"Night." I said and walked inside to see the twins fast asleep by Sodapop.
"Hey Courtney. You okay?" Soda asked tiredly.
"Yeah." I said.
"Don't sound like it." Ponyboy said.
"I'm fine really. Where's Darry?" I asked.
"Right here?" Darry said. I looked over to see Darry coming in the living room. He must have just gotten out of the shower because he was dressed all nice, well as nice as a greaser could get.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"He's got a date with Katie." Sodapop said.
"Oh." I said.
"Shut your trap little brother." Darry said jokingly as he fixed his hair.
I put my hand in my apron from my job and took the $50 dollars I had made out.
"Here Darry." I said and gave him the $50.
"What's this for?" Darry asked as I handed him the money.
"I figured you could use it for bills or something." I said.
"Keep it. You need it for Zaylee and Pepsi."
"Please take it. Keeping a roof over our heads is more important, besides I have some money saved." I said.
"If you insist." Darry said and took it.
"Now you three, don't stay up to late and Pony don't smoke more than a pack or I'll skin you." Darry threatens but we knew he didn't mean it.
"Just don't go getting Katie pregnant or we'll skin you." I said causing my brothers to laugh.
Darry then left and I got a shower and then changed and switched places with Soda on the couch so I could be by the twins. Luckily I had off tomorrow so maybe I could spend some time with them. I then fell asleep holding my babies protectively.

(Sorry this is just a filler. I need ideas.)

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