Chapter 38

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Courtney's POV
I groaned as a light shined in my face and caused me to shut my eyes. I opened my eyes as they readjusted to the light. I looked around and saw I was in the hospital again.
"Courtney! You're up?! How are you feeling?!" I heard Macey's voice say
"W-What happened?" I groaned in pain as my head pounded.
"Courtney I'm so sorry. We were jumped by some socs. I wish I could of helped more." Macey said sadly.
"It's okay. Can you call the gang and my brothers and let them know where I am and that I'm okay." I said sadly and gave her my home number so she could call my family.
"Sure." Macey said and left and I tried to get some sleep not noticing that my stomach wasn't big anymore.

Macey's POV
This is my fault! I feel so responsible for Courtney being in the hospital! If we had maybe took a different route or had gone somewhere else instead of heading for the Dingo maybe this wouldn't of happened. I let Courtney's room to call the gang and her brothers to let them know where Courtney and I were. They were probably worried out of their minds.
"Hello Darry speaking?" Some guy said.
"Hello is this the Curtis residence?" I asked hoping I dialed the right number.
"Yes who is this?" Darry asked.
"My name is Macey. I met your sister Courtney in town. She's in the hospital and asked that I called you and the gang." I said worriedly.
"We're all on our way." Darry said and hung up.
I then sat in the waiting room waiting for them all to show up. It wasn't until about an hour later that a bunch of guys and two girls showed up.

Darry's POV
"That was completely out of line Sodapop! I know Courtney has kept some stuff from us but don't act like you don't either! You've had your share of secrets!" I yelled at Sodapop.
"God! I know I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at her like that but I hate she keeps stuff from me or any of us! I mean we're her family!" I yelled.
"Did it ever occur to you Soda that maybe she felt like she couldn't tell you." Ponyboy said.
"What you mean Pony?" Sodapop asked.
"Well I mean Soda and you, Darry, are always at work along with Courtney so we barely see each other as it is and when we do we normally end up arguing over something. Maybe Courtney was just afraid it would end in an argument like it did." Ponyboy said.
"We need to find her. I have to apologize." Sodapop said starting to cry.
"All three of us do." I said.
"Uh guys hate you break up your little family fest but the phones ringing." Dally said.
"Hello Darry speaking?" I asked the other line.
"We're all on our way." I said and hung up the phone and the gang looked at me curiously.
"That was some girl named Macey. Apparently Courtney and her were jumped by some socs and are at the hospital." I said with worry in my voice.
Sodapop and Ponyboy got in my truck with me, Steve took Two-bit, Dally, and Johnny and Athena and Bexley got in the back of my truck and we drove to the hospital. Please let our sister be alright. Every time she's in the hospital something bad happens to her. Please let me little sister and future nephew be okay. Yes, Pony and I know it's a boy thanks to Soda but we're the only ones who know. I hope she's okay.

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