More to life than work?

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Fletch didn't understand why he felt awkward. Before, when arriving with coffee, he wouldn't have even checked if it was ok- he would just plonk himself down on the sofa and start spouting his usual brand of rubbish, it never occurred to him that she might be incredibly busy. Sometimes she was irritated but she never sent him away.
But today, he needed her to ask him. It felt like they had to re establish the rules of their interactions at work, which considering every time he'd seen her in the last three weeks, he'd sat holding her hand was odd. He didn't wish she was back in the hospital bed, of course he didn't, but he did wish they could regain that easy closeness that had seemed apparent then. And so it was that when Fletch sat down with his coffee he had a multitude of confusing thoughts and images crashing round his head
"So is Emma still with Jonny?" He asked searching for something to say that didn't reveal his true feelings.
"Yes he's keeping her for another week, just til I get properly back on my feet"
"Have you come back too soon Jac?" He asked with genuine concern
"No I'm absolutely fine" she snapped
He raised an unbelieving questioning eyebrow
After a second she spoke again
"I'm knackered Fletch but i needed to come back. If I don't have work what do I have?"
Every part of him was screaming "me. You have me"
But of course he didn't say anything like that
"Apart from Emma you mean?"
"Well of course Emma" she again snapped
"Jac, you are the best at what you do. Your worst is better than most surgeons best but we both know you are a perfectionist and if you're not at the top of your game then maybe you need some more time"
"Why do you think I'm stuck in here doing bloody paperwork. I haven't put myself on any theatre lists yet. I'm not stupid Fletch"
"I never said you were. I was just concerned that's all. Anyway I'd better be going. See you later"
"Bye" she said quietly
Fletch walked slowly back to his office. He had two choices. One, carry on as things were or two, prove to her that she had more in her life than just work - namely him. He just needed to be careful not to scare her off.

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