I've got something to tell you

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Jac sat in stunned silence.
"It's you Jac" she repeated and went to touch Jac's arm
"Don't" Jac said quietly
"I don't understand. you were with Fletch. You're not...well you know"
"Turns out I am for you"
Jac blushed
"Fletch spoke about you so much before you came back. It was so obvious he was in love with you Jac and I think I hated you and was intrigued by you in equal parts. Me and Fletch were never going anywhere especially with him loving but having been really hurt by you leaving. And then you came back"
"And I was devastated that he was with you"
"I know I was a poor second in his eyes but the more I saw of you I knew why. The fire in your clinical arguments, your determination and just, well,the way you look"
"So you weren't hanging around for Fletch?"
"No. Every time I came and you weren't there, even at Fletch's house,my first question would be where were you. It was easy to suspect that I was just checking you were 'out of the picture'"
"So why tell me tonight?"
"Not sure really, had quite a bit to drink before I decided to come . You needed to know I didn't want Fletch and that I wanted you"
Jac paused "I'm flattered" she said eventually "but I'm not attracted to women and I am completely consumed by my love for him"
She glanced over and caught Fletch staring at them deep in conversation
Jac giggled despite herself "he'll be shitting himself watching you and I talking"
"Probably"Abigail agreed "Oh god,I'm sorry Jac"
"Hey it's OK. At least I don't have to worry about you still being after him"
"Don't worry. I don't think there's a woman on this earth that could take him away from you"
Jac smiled to herself "not even Nicole Kidman" she said quietly
"Oh nothing"
"Well I'm going to get off now. Congratulations"
"Thank you" said Jac gave her a genuine smile as she left
Fletch could not have been by her side any quicker
"What was.."
Jac took him by surprise and drew him in for a passionate kiss
"I've got something to tell you but I want to get you home first sexy Fletcher"
"Wow, you really are pissed Naylor "

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