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They decided to sit outside and take advantage of the late summer sunshine.
Jac fussed with Mac  and gave him some dog treats whilst Fletch went to order drinks. He sat down witb two pints.
"Thanks" said Jac "you didn't have me down as a small glass of wine while you had a pint kinda girl did you?"
Fletch laughed setting down the bowl of water for Mac that the bar staff had brought over.
"Thanks" he beamed to the bar maid who returned his smile and shimmied away
"No Jac I would never expect you to conform to any stereotype"
Jac had not listened to his reply, too busy watching the bar maid undressing Fletch with her eyes.
"What. Oh no you're right I don't do stereotypes or clichés"
Fletch passed her a menu "they do doggie dinners so I'm going to order a couple of sausages for Mac with special gravy and potatoes"
"Well that sounds yummy doesn't it Mac" Jac scratched his neck
To a casual observer they looked like a couple out for the day with their dog when in actual fact none of that was correct
However even if they did look like a couple it didn't seem to put the barmaid off.
Jac rolled her eyes "here comes Barbie to take our order and undress you mentally again"
Fletch spluttered into his pint
"Sorry What?"
"You didn't notice her reaction to you when she brought the water bowl over?"
"No!" He said horrified. "She's only about 3 years older than Evie"
Before they could continue she was there to take their order
"Hi" she said smiling at Fletch, all blonde hair and teeth She was actually quite pretty conceded Jac
"What can I get you?"
"Aah well can I order the doggie sausage dinner for the mutt, I'll have the Ploughman's lunch and darling did you decide yet" he said touching Jac's hand lightly
Jac didn't know who was more surprised, her or the barmaid.
"I'm going to have the Brie and walnut sandwich. Thank you" Jac said sweetly handing her menu back to the disappointed bar maid who didn't look quite so perky now
"Yeah thanks" Fletch said handing her his menu as well
When she was out of earshot
"Darling?" Jac questioned, the ghost of a smile crossing her lips
"I had to think fast" said Fletch
"Oh Fletch" she chuckled "you really are oblivious to the effect you can have on some women aren't you?"
"I don't know what you mean" he huffed
She wasn't about to tell him the effect he had on her
Little did she know he was wondering what that effect was- if there was one

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