Where the hell is he?

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Jac returned to the ward. She had bid farewell to Joseph downstairs and wished him well. She was desperate to find Fletch. She tried his office, her office, the staff room, locker room. Finally she conceded she was going to have to ask someone
"Where the hell is Fletcher?" She demanded of Frieda
"Erm, well he texted to say he didn't feel too good and was going home sick"
"When was this?"
"Just now but come to think of it I haven't seen him since you went into your office with your er 'visitor'"
"You know exactly who that was. You were there back then"
"I know I was" said Frieda "but what about Fletch? Look it's not my place but when you went into your office with Joseph he looked crushed. You didn't even acknowledge him when he was standing right beside you". Frieda knew she was speaking out of turn and Jac would probably get angry with her but she was annoyed on Fletch's behalf
"Oh god, what have I done" she whispered
"Go to him Jac" Frieda said "we can manage here and you have a little time before you need to collect Emma. Go"
She nodded at Frieda and went to gather her things. She pulled out her phone and called him.
Straight to voice mail. She didn't leave a message
Fletch had just got home when his phone rang. He stared at the caller id and decided he couldn't speak to Jac when he was this drunk. Despite what Tony said there were lingering doubts and insecurities crashing around in his head.
He stumbled to the kitchen and got a glass of water. He drank it all quickly and poured another.
Maggie had said she would have the kids to hers for tea but he needed to sober up before they came home after. Maybe Tony's idea of just sleeping if off was the best one so Fletch made his way unsteadily upstairs.
20 minutes later he became aware of the doorbell ringing insistently
"Urgh just go away whoever you are" he groaned into the pillow
"Where the hell is he?" Jac wondered. His car wasn't there so where was he
As she was still standing on the doorstep, suddenly the door opened abruptly
"What? Oh" Fletch said
"Jesus Fletch you look like shit"

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