I can't help it

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Jac sat on her bed, having just got out of the bath. She was debating whether or not to answer the insistent ringing on the doorbell oh and the accompanying barking of Mac which gave away the identity of the person ringing the door bell. She reasoned that she was going to have to face him at work anyway so maybe it was best to get it over and done with today in her own home
"Alright, alright I'm coming"
She opened the door abruptly which at least had the desired effect of shutting Mac up
"Hi" Fletch ventured
Jac just stared straight ahead
"Can I come in?"
She stood aside allowing them both in.
She was very aware that she was naked underneath her dressing gown. Hair still wet.
"You left"
Again Jac just stared at him then turned on her heel and went through to the kitchen, correctly assuming he would follow
"I'm sorry have I done something wrong?"
Apart from turn my world upside down with one kiss? She thought
"Nothing" she finally said
"Well it doesn't feel like nothing. One minute we're kissing, the next minute you're gone"
"It doesn't matter"
"Well it fucking matters to me" Fletch said angrily
He grabbed her by the shoulders
"What do you want from me?"
"More than you want to offer"
"What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm too old for meaningless hook ups"
"What are you talking about"
"Today. You know, caught up in moment, see through shirt....meaningless hook up"
"Wow. Life has really done a number on you hasn't it"
Jac shrugged him off.
"I'm looking for so much more than a meaningless hook up. Come on, what we have is special. Surely even you can see that"
"It's hard for me to trust anybody Fletch even you"
"Jac" he said taking both her wrists gently." We've been through so much. Have I ever not been there?"
She shook her head
"I spent three weeks sitting by your bedside holding your hand and when you came back it was as if that never happened but I was still there for you" he stroked her wrists gently and added softly "I'll always be there for you. I can't help it. I love you"
Shit what did he say that for. What was she going to do with that?

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