I love you

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Fletch waited in the car whilst Jac took Emma in to her new class. 
Getting back behind the wheel Jac wiped a tear from her cheek and laughed at herself.
"Look at me , I'm a wreck"
Fletch squeezed her knee "I hate to break this to you Naylor, but I think you have a heart"
"Shut up" she playfully batted his arm
"Ow" he complained dramatically
"Fletch, before with Emma. Thank you. That's the second time you've worked your charm on her to get her to go somewhere that she doesn't want to go"
"What can I say?" He smirked
Jac paused and took his hand
"Fletch  I love  you" she said simply. She hadn't planned to say it but she was a little overwhelmed by her feelings this morning
They hadn't seen anything of each other out of work this week.  Emma's return equalled 5 children to juggle so they stole chaste kisses behind cubicle curtains and tried to make time for more than that in her office but work had been even busier than normal
"Fletch?" she was so sure he'd be ok with her telling him she loved him she was completely unprepared for his silence.. she felt the colour drain from her face, she felt sick until she felt Fletch squeeze her hand
"Jac" he whispered, his voice choked with emotion "I love you so much it scares me"
Jac smiled with relief
"Sorry I didn't tell you before. Not exactly a grand romantic setting is it sitting outside a primary school on a wet Tuesday morning"she said
"I don't need grand gestures" he leaned over and kissed her deeply.
They eventually parted
"Do you think it's time we got the kids involved in this?" Jac asked "you know that Emma's got a little crush on you don't you Fletch"
He chuckled "Yeah little bit. Like mother like daughter"
Jac rolled her eyes
"Are you saying you don't have a little crush on me?"
"Shut up Fletcher"

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