My house? Our home?

652 22 1

The room was full of laughter and Fletch seemed to have cheered up.
He held his hand out for Jac to go over to him
"So kids we have decided to get married" he announced. No point beating around the bush
5 slightly stunned faces stared back at them
"Erm I asked her yesterday morning before I ended up in here"
"So that's why you were going out so early" Evie said
"Once I decided to ask her I had to go straight away. So any thoughts kids?"
"Emma baby?" Jac asked her daughter. Emma didn't say anything but ran over to Jac and Fletch and hugged them
"Does this mean we'll all be living in the same house mummy"
"That's generally what happens when people get married darling. They like each other enough to want to live in the same house"
"And I can have a pretty bridesmaid dress?"
"Yes" smiled Jac, "you can have a pretty bridesmaid dress"
"Yeah you're actually alright Jacula " said Mikey "still think you're punching above your weight though Dad" he said cheekily
"True story mate"
"I think it's great"said Evie and Theo who basically always did what his big sister said, agreed.
Ella had tears in her eyes and ran out of the room.
"I'll go"said Jac
She found her just down the corridor on a bench.
"Hey. Fancy hot chocolate downstairs in the coffee shop?"
"Ok" Ella sniffed
They were sat for a few minutes before either spoke
"Do you not want me and your Dad to get married Ella. I thought we were all getting on well"
"It's not that" said Ella "I can only just remember mummy but I remember how horrible it was when she died. I'm worried that you'll leave or die and we'll all be upset again" she paused. "Because we like you"
"Oh" replied Jac "I'm not leaving Ella and I don't plan on dying anytime soon so we're good there. I like you all too and I love your dad - the big idiot"
Ella giggled
"So can I count on you for bridesmaid duty with Emma?"
"Yes please"
"Ok good. Shall we go back"
Ella jumped down from her seat and slipped her hand into Jac's as they made their way back to Darwin.
Christ I'm in up to my neck here thought Jac I love it though. What has that man done to me?
They went back to Fletch's room. His eyes asked her if everything was ok. Jac just nodded
"Come on you lot. Visiting time is over. Say your goodbyes"
That was met with a number of complaints
"Kids give me one more night of peace before I come home tomorrow pleeeease"
"Ok everybody out" ordered Jac
She squeezed Fletch's hand  "I'll call you later babe"
It was just her and kids tonight. No Sacha to rely on, no Serena.
After everyone was  in bed, Jac sat with a glass of wine and rang Fletch
Hi he answered How's things?
Jac stifled a yawn Fine. Everyone's in bed
It sounds like you need to be too babe
I didn't sleep much last night. So the news went down ok then. Jac went on to tell him about Ella
Jac I don't want to push you to be anything that you're not to my kids
I know I know. We'll work it out. I'm sure we've faced worse . You feeling any better?
Aw the kids really cheered me up. Thank you for looking after us all Ms Naylor
You are very welcome Mr Fletcher
Love you
Jac yawned again love you too. Try not to get into any trouble before I bring you home tomorrow
My house? Our home?
I'll stay for a while to help out and then we'll discuss things ok?
Oh I'll talk you round. I can be very persuasive
Jac rolled her eyes, knowing that he would predict that response
Night Fletch
Night Jac

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