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The clip from next week's HC. Is dangling the carrot. Not gonna happen. Hope I'm wrong 😔
Over the next few weeks, Abigail was conspicuous by her absence on the ward. Jac felt bad for her which was a new experience.
Maybe that man has made me more human she grinned to herself. Sitting in her office , her mind wandered to wedding dresses and honeymoons. There was a knock on the door
"Come in"
"Hello Jac"
"Jonny. Is something wrong?"
"So Emma tells me that you and Fletch are getting married. Would have been nice to have a heads up Jac" his anger was barely concealed
"Well actually it's got nothing to do with you but I am sorry I didn't tell you personally. I don't know why I didn't "
"So you're playing happy families now"
"If you mean we've brought our families together and we are happy then yes" she said defensively
"And where's Emma in all this. Going from an only child with all your attention to being one of five is it?"
"Hey she loves being with the other children and she gets just as much love and attention from me and Fletch"
"New Daddy?"
"Absolutely not. Right at the start we talked about you always being her Dad"
"Hmmm And how's she going to feel when you and Fletch have a child yourselves"
Jac paused "well that's not the plan so...Jonny nothing is going to change on terms of you and Emma, it will just be different for her at my end"
"I'm going now, I'm still not happy but you're right it's not exactly my business. Let's face it we nearly killed each other when we tried to live together"
As Jonny left, Fletch was just on his way to see Jac in her office. They passed on the corridor just outside
"Hi Jonny" Fletch said in his usual cheery manner. It occurred to him that he hadn't seen him since he and Jac got together
"Hi Fletch. Good luck mate, you're gonna need it. Just don't let my little girl be a casualty if it all goes to shit"
"That's not gonna happen"
"Aye we'll see. Bye"
"Hi" Fletch said walking through the still open door of Jac's office
"Just seen Jonny. What did he want?"
"Take a seat Fletch. I need to talk to you"

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