Exception to her rules

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News of their engagement was trickling through the hospital after Theo was overheard talking about it by one of the crèche staff who was good friends with one of the HCA's on Keller and that's how Dom Copeland got to find out and hence the whole hospital.
"Is it true Fletch" asked Nicky putting the phone down from Meena
"Is what true?"
"You and Jac tying the knot?"
"Oh that" he said "yeah that's true"
"Wow. I mean congratulations"
"Thanks" he said concentrating on the patients results on the computer screen. He didn't notice Abigail approach the nurses station
"Congratulations?" She asked
"Fletch and Jac are getting married" announced Nicki
Nicki kicked Fletch
"Erm yeah really"
"Awkward" commented Frieda walking past. "Dr McKendrick come with me please"
"So where's the blushing bride to be?"
"Just finishing up in theatre I think. Sorry was there something you wanted?"
"Oh just the months estimated costings for agency nurses"
"I thought I e mailed then to you"
"Oh I must have missed that"
He spotted Jac enter the ward. Abigail noticed his eyes brighten and a small smile cross his face
Jac spotted her talking to Fletch at the nurses station as soon as she stepped onto the ward
Jesus does she ever leave him alone. She met Fletch's sparkling eyes and her heart missed a beat as it always did
"Miss Tate. To what to we owe the pleasure?"
"Oh I came to talk about agency nurses but now - Congratulations" she flung her arms round Jac and kissed her cheek
Jac and Fletch caught each other's eye. Both their eyebrows raised in absolute shock
"Sorry ?" Jac said extricating herself from Abigail's hug
"I hear you marrying this gorgeous man over here"
"Yes that's right, I am marrying the gorgeous man over there"
Fletch stifled a laugh, unsuccessfully covering it with a cough
"Anyway ladies,you're going to have to excuse me I need to act on these results"
Jac glared after him as she was left with Abigail
"Never thought I"d see the day from what I've heard about you Jac"
"He's the exception to all my rules Abigail. If you'll excuse me, I understand it was Fletch you needed to see and I have a mountain of paperwork to do"
With this Jac left for her office
Half an hour later, Fletch knocked on the door
"Just come in Fletch"
"Hi. Sorry to drop you in it there" he recognised her pissed off voice
"What the fuck Fletch. It's getting worse - she's literally here all the fucking time"
"Well it's not my fault" he answered just as annoyed "it's not like I'm leading her on you know"
"I know" Jac said calming down a bit and going to him. She laid her hand on his chest
"I love you"
It wasn't often she said it first so somehow it meant more to him when she did
"Since the whole hospital now knows maybe we should organise a night in Albies to celebrate "
"An engagement party. I don't think so Fletch. I'm not 18"
He chuckled "well clearly neither am I and who said anything about a party. Just a night with beautiful you wearing a beautiful ring leaving no body in any doubt who we are to each other and what we plan to do very soon. We must set a date by the way "
"Alright. I get the ring on Saturday . Let's do it Saturday night. Put the word out Mr Fletcher. Spread the news that I've been tamed. I'm yours"
He hugged her tighter "god love you so much"

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