It's about Abigail

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The taxi home was full of innocent caresses and long lazy kisses. They didn't want to get too worked up as Maggie would be still at their house.
On the doorstep Fletch pulled her close and nuzzled her neck eliciting soft moans as he caressed her lower back,
"Mmm. Why do I love that so much, I've just found it unpleasantly ticklish when anyone else has tried it. Mmm"
Fletch tried to ignore the irrational jealousy inside him that bubbled up when he thought of anyone else doing this with Jac
"Well" he said, his words vibrating against her neck "it's a good job that for the rest of your life it will only be me doing this"
Eventually they decided to actually go into the house
"Hi" Fletch called softly, "we're back"
They made their way into the living room where Maggie was sat knitting
"Oh hello you two. Everybody's in bed"
"Have they behaved themselves?" Asked Fletch, knowing how his kids could sometimes turn bedtime into a battlefield
"Absolutely. They've been lovely. Did you have a nice time?"
"Yes thanks" said Jac
"Right, I'll be off now then"
Fletch walked her back next door to her house
"Thanks so much Maggie. See you soon" he kissed her on the cheek
When he got back, Jac had kicked her shoes off and was lying on the sofa.
He knelt down and kissed her "budge over Naylor" he shuffled himself half on top of her, half on the sofa
"So" he said running his hands up and down her side and eventually finding the aforementioned zip "you had something to tell me"
Jac sighed with tingling pleasure as he slowly undid the zip
"Oh that can wait. Right now I just want you Fletch"
"Mmhm" he said sliding his hands up her inner thigh
"Oh god" she said softly "do you think we should move this upstairs"
"Sshh. I fancy being naughty and staying down here"
He had now slipped the dress off her shoulders and was kissing along her collar bone
"You're a bad influence on me Fletch"
"I know" he grinned
Much later they eventually made it upstairs and collapsed into bed. Both a little drunk still.
"So I'm still waiting to know what you have to tell me Naylor. You've done a very good job of distracting me since you said that"
"Mmm, we've distracted each other don't you think" she lazily kissed his chest "I'm sleepy. You've tired me out Fletcher"
He chuckled "no way Naylor. You can't keep me guessing till morning. Don't make me tickle it out of you" he started to tickle her waist
"Ok ok" she smiled "I give in l'll tell you"
Fletch stopped tickling her and raised a questioning eyebrow
"It's about Abigail"

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