The scan

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They decided not to tell the kids until they'd had a scan. In the two weeks before the scan, Jac and Fletch began to get their heads round welcoming a new addition to their family.
"Nervous?" Fletch said taking her hand as they sat in the scan waiting room
"I am actually" she squeezed his hand "and I really need to pee"
He chuckled "you know as well as I do that you need a full bladder for the ultrasound"
"Of course I do but I didn't expect them to be running 45 minutes late"
Eventually they were called in. Jac rolled her top up and braced herself for the cold gel
The sonographer seemed to be taking a long time
"I'm just going to grab an obstetrician" she smiled
The Consultant entered the room and studied the monitor
"Ms Naylor, Mr Fletcher, I'm sorry to tell you that this is an anembryonic pregnancy"
"What does that mean?" Asked Fletch
"It means there's no baby Fletch" Jac said flatly
"Yes there's a sac but there's no embryo"
"What happens now?" Said Jac
"Well we could let nature take it's course because I don't think it will be long before you miscarry, we can give you medication to make things a little bit more predictable or you can have a simple operation. I'll give you a minute together. I'm really very sorry"
He left and Jac wiped the gel off her stomach and pulled her top down. She sat up and turned to face Fletch
"How you doing?" He asked quietly
"Uhm don't know really, what about you"
"I'm in shock I guess"
"Any Fletcher hugs on offer?" She asked
"Oh course sweetheart" he stood up and pulled her into a tight embrace which they both needed
"I still need to go to the loo, then we need to have a chat with the obstetrician"
"Ok babe. I'll wait here"
Fletch sat by himself by the bed, by the ultrasound machine that can be the source of  great happiness for some and great sadness for others. They were just numb. They weren't in the first flush of youth, it wasn't their first child or the only chance of having a child from IVF or anything like that. But they thought they had created a life together and now they had to decide how it would end.
Jac came back in with the doctor. She looked like she'd been crying. Fletch grabbed her hand as she sat down
"I've decided that I want the operation so it's
more planned instead of not knowing how long or when"
"Ok. I'll book you in for tomorrow and we'll need to see you in a week. I recommend you take at least 3 weeks off work Ms Naylor "
"Alright we'll sort that" said Fletch
They left the department still in a daze. Ready to come back the next day. They decided that they had to tell the kids a simplified version of events as they would be asking why Jac was off for three weeks. Jac went straight for a quiet lie down when they got in and Fletch gathered the kids and told them the news as best he could
How much more would this woman have to go through. She'd already overcome so much , he just wanted to protect her from further pain and felt helpless that he couldn't.
After a little while he went quietly into their room
"Jac"he whispered "are you awake?"
He approached the bed
"Yes. Have you told the kids Fletch"
"Yeah. I think they understand and they all said they wanted to help look after you. Even Mikey"
Jac sat up "we're so lucky with what we've already got aren't we?"
"I think so" Fletch said sitting next to her "I feel guilty for getting you pregnant Jac. It was my idea not to come upstairs that night"
"Hey don't be silly, it takes two to tango and I don't think you heard me complaining that night Fletcher"
"I know but, pretty irresponsible at our age"
"Fletch, it happened, we can't change it. Maybe this was fate"
"Maybe. I love you Naylor don't ever forget or doubt that"
"Me too"

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