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As Jac drove towards school she found herself wondering what Abigail Tate wanted and she wondered whether it was a regular occurrence that she went to Fletch's office.
Despite protestations of love and him officially being a 'free agent' at the time she was jealous of the relationship with Abigail. It was so easy and uncomplicated. And again despite what Fletch said about it being a distraction because she wasn't there, there must have been some connection.
Oh stop it Naylor. Take things on face value. You love each other don't you. Don't let your own insecurities ruin this one - she lectured herself.
Jac pulled up outside school just in time to see Emma running out, full of excitement. She chattered all the way to the car
"Where's Fletch Mummy?"
Emma clearly thought that because he came to drop her off that he would be here now
"Fletch is at work baby"
"Oh I thought he would come to pick me up with you"
"Well we're going out for tea with him and his children tonight I think" she said strapping Emma into the car
Jac smiled. Straight to the point just like her mother "Emma. Fletch is Mummy's special friend"
"Like a boyfriend?"
"Exactly like a boyfriend. We're together darling"
"Like a mummy and a daddy"
"Kind of but I'm your mummy and Fletch is daddy to 4 other children including Theo and you have your own Daddy don't you?"
Jac felt she wasn't explaining this very well but Emma seemed to understand
When Fletch got home he had to have s similar conversation with his four
He decided to tell them separately.
He found Evie doing homework on the kitchen table
"Hi dad"
He sat down "you remember a while ago when you were talking about me and Jac"
"Yes" she said suspiciously
"Well, ok you were right I did like her. I do like her"
"What you saying Dad"
Fletch blushed "I told her I loved her. We're together"
"I told you" Evie said "you happy Dad?"
"Very" he grinned
"Well thenI'm happy"
"We're planning to all go out for tea tonight for a pizza. Us lot her and her daughter Emma"
Next he found  Mikey playing on his x box
Fletch explained the situation to Mikey
"Jacula? Really Dad?"
Fletch laughed "she's not like that when you get to know her. Honestly. Anyway we're all going out for a pizza tonight "
Theo was just excited to see Emma as she had now left the crèche
Ella also referred to Jac as Jacula
Fletch knocked on her bedroom door
"Hey sweetheart, I need to talk to you" he sat on the bed "It's about Jacula"
"You and Jacula?"
"What do you mean honey?"
"Dad, she's all you talk about. Is she your girlfriend?"
"Yes she is and she's really not that bad when you get to know her. We're all going out for tea tonight"
Ella looked sad "What's wrong?"
"What about mummy?"
Fletch wrapped his arms round his youngest daughter as she cried "Ella you know that mummy is with the angels don't you"
"Yes" she sniffed "but I don't want anyone to be a new mummy in case they go to heaven as well" she sniffed
"Listen sweetie, your mummy will always be your mummy even if she's not here now. I ploved your mummy just like you but I love Jac too. She's not going to be your new mummy but she is my girlfriend so you might end up seeing quite a bit of her"
Ella sniffed and smiled at Fletch. "Can I have ice cream after the pizza?"
"'course you can. Get ready now or we'll be late"
God this is hard work thought Fletch. It's no wonder I've never introduced anyone into their lives before.

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