It's going to be alright

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Jac woke up a couple of hours later
"Ms Naylor?" Trish said gently letting her wake up
"I'm here babe"
She gave him a weak smile
"Calmed down a bit have we?"
"I have vague recollections of talking about sex?" she cringed
Trish tried to suppress a snigger. Jac glared
Fletch laughed "it was pretty funny. How are you feeling?"
"A little sore. Not too bad"
"As soon as you have a pee we can let you go hone" said Trish "need to make sure everything is working"
"Lovely" said Fletch pulling a face
An hour later Jac was ready for discharge. They actually made it to the car park without bumping into anyone they knew. Pulling up outside the house, Fletch took her hands in his
"You ready for this babe?"
"Of course" she replied
The house was eerily quiet when they walked in. There was a note from Sacha
Taken the kids to the chip shop for tea. Will bring you back a fish supper
Love S x
"Cuppa gorgeous?"
"Please" said Jac sleepily "that man is a legend" she said referring to Sacha
"He's certainly always there for you"
"The two best men in my life. I'm luckier than I care to admit"
Fletch sat down with the tea "are you still off your face Naylor?"
She laughed "maybe but I know exactly what I'm saying"
He put his arm round her and kissed the top of her head
She yawned "I think I'm going to give the fish and chips a miss and go straight to bed. Do you mind"
"Don't be silly, course not. I'll try not to wake you when I come up"
She placed a gentle kiss in his lips and made her way up to their bedroom
Although she was tired Jac couldn't actually sleep. She lay on the bed  thinking about their situation. She allowed herself a  few tears,she supposed mourning the loss of what might have been.
She turned her head to face Fletch's side of the bed. On his bed side table was a picture of the 7 of them. It was difficult to be sad when you looked at them all pulling stupid faces. A smile skimmed her lips.
She was still a little sore and as if by magic, Fletch appeared at the door
"Are you asleep yet babe?"he whispered
"Not quite"
"I brought you some painkillers and a hot water bottle"
"God. What did I ever do to deserve you"
"Well knowing you probably something terrible. Jacula"
"I'm being serious"
"Well I'm ignoring you. Here have the tablets" and handed her a glass of water. He then gave her the hot water bottle which she laid carefully against her stomach
He leaned forward and stroked her hair.
"I'll leave you to sleep and keep the hordes away until tomorrow"
"Hold me Fletch"
Her voice was small and vulnerable - so unlike her. With his heart breaking he held her just as she'd asked
"It's going to be alright Jac, it's going to be alright"

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