Telling Fletch

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Over the next week , Jac was feeling increasingly uncomfortable about keeping her conversation with Evie from Fletch. But she was not prepared to break her confidence. One evening , as had become pretty normal, Jac and Emma were round at the Fletchers for tea. Tonight, for once Jac was cooking , her speciality - paella
Fletch had gone to pick Mikey up from football, Ella, Emma and Theo were playing some game or other involving barbie  dolls and Pokemon which Jac didn't even pretend to understand.
Evie came into the kitchen
"Hey" said Jac
"Do you need help?"
"Erm yeah you could chop the peppers"
After a couple of minutes silence Evie spoke
"I spoke to Georgia today"
Jac stopped what she was doing
"And she wasn't surprised. He's done it before and last summer hr got a 15 yr old pregnant"
Jac nodded her encouragement to go on
"Georgia didn't know he'd, as she put it , 'been sniffing round me' and felt awful. She said she would have warned me if she'd known"
"You've had a lucky escape sweetheart"
"Mainly thanks to you Jac, I'm so relieved I didn't do anything stupid. Georgia is thinking of putting something on social media to warn other girls against the 'man whore'"
Jac smirked "well I guess that's up to her as long as she doesn't mention your name"
"She won't."
"Who won't what?" Asked Fletch breezing in. Neither of them had noticed he was back. He kissed both his girls on the forehead.
Evie  caught Jac's eye and then turned to Fletch
"I'll let Jac tell you"
"You sure hun?"
"Very sure. Thanks again Jac" she touched Jac's arm as she left the kitchen
Fletch didn't hide his confusion
"Girl talk?"
"Something like that" Jac closed the kitchen door
"Look first of all you have to promise not to go all 'protective dad' on me. You need to sit and listen, without comment. And it's all sorted" he settled on a kitchen stool
Jac told Fletch the whole story. She could see be was struggling to keep his anger in check. As she finished she wound her arms around his waist, he pulled her close
"You ok?" She asked
"Well, she's definitely not a little girl anymore is she?"
"She's right though, I would have gone to beat the crap out of him which probably wouldn't have helped Evie"
"I'm pleased she came to you. A little surprised but relieved she wanted to talk to someone "
"Believe me no one was more surprised than me. Are you upset that she came to me and not you?"
Fletch sighed "I'm her Dad. No 14  year old girl wants to talk to her Dad about stuff like that
How are you? Feeling a bit 'mum and dad' for you?"
"Yeah a bit but glad I could help"
He hugged her tight "thank you for looking after my little girl "
"Are you really not annoyed that I didn't tell you"
"No, you kept her confidence. She trusts you and I trust  you."
"I guess whether I like it or not I'm part of your family"
"Yes you are. Sorry " he said sheepishly
"I'm not" she kissed him briefly

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