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Fletch went down for another head CT which showed the bleed had more or less resolved.
He was ready to be moved off ITU and despite not having any cardio thoracic problems, Jac had insisted that he get a side room on Darwin. He was only likely to be in one more night but she wanted him close.
"Christ, look at the state of me" he said looking at himself for the first time in the bathroom Jac was sat on the end of his bed
"Worried you're going to have lost your boyish good looks"
"Well yeah" he said tentatively touching his swollen and broken nose
"You'll be fine once the swelling goes down" she laughed "you're so vain Fletcher"
"Listen" he said coming to sit beside her "when you're stepping out with the most beautiful, sexy woman on earth you don't want to be next to her looking like Shrek" he grumbled
Jac laughed again "firstly - 'stepping out' -are we suddenly in a Jane Austen novel and secondly, I don't care what you look like I love you. I mean obviously I care a bit" she said teasingly stroking his chest " I mean you've still got it going on Fletch" she grinned at him
God she was so relieved that he was going to be ok.
"I still feel like Frankenstein's monster"
"Oh shut up. You'll soon be breaking student nurses hearts again. I have work to do . I'll be back later with your kids and Emma. Ok?"
She kissed his neck again mindful of his injuries.
He grabbed her hand as she went to walk away
"Don't differentiate between my kids and Emma. I already view them all as 'ours' I mean who sorted them all out the other night?"
"Yeah well ...." Jac blushed. She enjoyed playing mum to all 5 but she wasn't about to tell him that "it was an emergency" she huffed
Fletch nodded knowingly
"Are we going to tell them today about getting married?" She asked, hand on the door to leave
He chuckled "much as I love my mother, she cannot keep her mouth shut about anything. The newsagent and most of her street will already know and I would prefer the kids to hear it from us"
"That's fine" she smiled snd went back out onto the ward
Mid afternoon Jac left to collect everyone. They had already put Jac on the insurance for the Fletch wagon. The 7 seater beast needed to ferry him, the kids , their various friends and his mother around
Jac picked everyone up from school and took them back to Fletch's for tea before heading back to the hospital
She got some looks as she trooped the 5 kids through the hospital
They all piled into Fletch's s room - all the kids were happy and relieved to see him and climbed on the bed
"Be careful with him kids" Jac said with laughter in her voice
"Bet you got some stares parading this lot through the hospital?" He smirked
"Just call me Mary bloody Poppins" she joked
"Wow Dad. Cool black eyes" Mikey said impressed. He got his phone out and took a selfie of him and his Dad
Fletch laughed "just don't post it anywhere with this happening at work"
"Oh ok but I can show it to my mates if I don't say anything about work?"
"I guess so"
He had Theo on his lap telling him about auntie Serena's brilliant bed time story and the he looked carefully at the get well card that the girls had made.
Jac stood slightly to the side. There were tears in her eyes, in awe of how much love there was in this room for Fletch

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