Telling mum

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Jac passed him a glass of water.
She held his hand again and leaned forward to gently kiss his neck. Avoiding his battered face.
"Do you remember what happened babe?"
"I remember talking to Charlie in the ED and some drunks but then nothing"
Stroking his knuckles Jac told him what had happened and what his injuries were. She had
tears in her eyes.
"Jac don't"
"You stealing my lines now then Fletcher?"
He smirked "I remember wondering once whether it would ever be you holding my hand at my bedside,  I've done it so often for you"
"Well I'd rather I wasn't doing it now but wild horses wouldn't have kept me away"
"What's happening with the kids?" Almost as if he'd suddenly remembered
"Don't worry, I sorted everything"
"Thanks sweetheart"
"Met your mum too, we sat together most of yesterday"
He smiled "your future mother in law. Or did I just dream that you'd agreed to marry me"
Jac blushed "you didn't dream it. I'm just pleased you remembered that you'd asked. That you'd remembered about us"
"How could I ever forget you?"
"Oh I know I'm unforgettable but us?"
"Shut up Naylor. You're stuck with me now and I couldn't be happier"
"Mr Fletcher" the consultant said "how are you feeling?"
"A bit of a headache and I feel like my whole face hurts"
"That's to be expected. I'll get someone to come and do your neuro obs. But any memory, word finding or concentration problems?"
"Not that I've noticed" Fletch paused "I've been bloody lucky haven't I doc?" He said understanding what could have happened
"You certainly have Mr Fletcher. I don't see any reason why you can't make a full recovery"
Jac tried to contain a relieved sob.
"Hey babe. I'm gonna be fine" he said trying to reassure her
"I know I know" she said laying her head on his hand "I love you Fletcher" she said. A little overwhelmed
"Love you too Naylor"
"Hey mum" he said noticing her coming in. Jac lifted her head and smiled at the woman approaching the bed
"Oh  Adrian, I'm so pleased you're awake darling. How are you feeling? And Jac darling how are you ?"
Fletch laughed "take a seat mum. I feel a bit bruised but other than that I'm ok"
"Animals" she said
"Just drunk mum. Anyway I have, we have, something to tell you. Yesterday,before this " he gestured to his head "I asked Jac to marry me and she said yes"
Julia gasped "That's lovely news. Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" She smiled at Jac
"I wasn't sure whether he would remember asking me when he woke up"
"But I did, I do, so it's all good"
"I'm so pleased for you. What do the children think?"
"You're the first person we've told" said Jac "he only asked me yesterday morning and then almost immediately got himself nearly killed"

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